UK News

Nicola Sturgeon: Scottish independence referendum would be legal unless court blocks it | Political news

Nicola Sturgeon threw the gauntlet at Boris Johnson over a second independence referendum, telling Sky News that if the UK government does not challenge the Scottish government in court, then “by definition it would be a legal referendum “.

Prime Minister of Scotland, who will claim the right to hold a second independence referendum by the end of 2024 if the SNP wins a majority in this week’s Scottish elections, said Mr. Johnson “had no right to oppose the democratic choices of the Scottish people” and should take the Scottish government to court to stop its second referendum.

“I’m saying if Boris Johnson is to stop him he will have to take legal action,” she said in an interview in Glasgow last month.

“If Boris Johnson didn’t do that [take legal action to dispute the legal basis of the referendum], by definition, it would be a legal referendum. If he did that, the courts would decide.

“But in fact we are getting ahead of ourselves here because I believe if the Scottish people vote for it, if support for independence continues, then it is not viable for a prime minister of Westminster to stand in the way. “

Mr Johnson insisted he would decline any demand for a second independence referendum, saying the issue had been settled for a generation in 2014, while Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross said a referendum held without Westminster’s approval would be “illegal”.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a press briefing in Downing Street, London, on the coronavirus (Covid-19).  Photo date: Monday, February 15, 2021.
Boris Johnson reportedly said privately he was ready to take Holyrood to court

Ms Sturgeon’s claim that a second referendum would be legal if not challenged by the UK government has raised eyebrows in Westminster.

“Scottish law requires consent for a referendum. Just because it is not challenged by the UK government does not make it legal,” a Tory source said.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-01 21:56:00