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Kate’s Pink Dress Promises a Young Leukemia-Struggler Separated from Her Father by a Pandemic | UK News

The Duchess of Cambridge has vowed to wear a pink dress when she finally meets the brave youngster who had to be separated from his father during the lockdown.

Four-year-old Mila Sneddon became a symbol of the importance of isolation during the pandemic after being photographed for Kate’s lockdown photography project Hold Still.

The moving image showed the young girl kissing the kitchen window as her father Scott stood outside.

Mila, who is undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia, was separated from her father in the first lockdown for seven weeks, after he had to go to work and couldn’t risk bringing coronavirus in the family home in Falkirk.

The Duchess of Cambridge promises to wear a pink dress when she finally meets Mila Sneddon separated from her father due to locked out protection.  Mila has leukemia.  Pic: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, YouTube
The Duchess and Mila discussed the ‘costumes’

As Kate chatted on the phone with the girl, the conversation turned to Mila’s favorite topic – the princesses.

And when questioned about her outfit, the Duchess admitted that she “isn’t wearing a princess costume at the moment”, but pledged to wear Mila’s favorite color when they finally met. in person.

The Duchess of Cambridge promises to wear a pink dress when she finally meets Mila Sneddon separated from her father due to locked out protection.  Mila has leukemia.  Pic: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, YouTube
The moving image showed Mila kissing the kitchen window as her father Scott stood outside. Pic: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, YouTube

In a conversation posted to the Cambridges’ new YouTube channel on Thursday, Mila asked Kate, “Do you have a costume?”

The Duchess replied: “I’m not wearing a princess costume at the moment, I’m scared Mila. Do you have a lot of outfits yourself?”

Mila said, “Yeah” and told the Duchess that her favorite color was pink.

Kate added: “OK, well I have to make sure that I will try to find myself a pink dress so that I hope, when one day I hope, Mila we meet, then I will remember to wear my dress. pink for you.

The Duchess of Cambridge promises to wear a pink dress when she finally meets Mila Sneddon separated from her father due to locked out protection.  Mila has leukemia.  Pic: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, YouTube
Mila is four months into her chemotherapy course for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pic: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, YouTube

“Would that be …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-06 14:59:00