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PCSO’s dog Julia James tested for DNA for her killer | UK | New UK News

They tested her dog – Toby – for forensic evidence. It came as detectives released a creepy photo showing Julia in the same clothes she was wearing when she was clubbed to death. The body of the 53-year-old woman was found at Akholt Wood in Snowdown, Kent, where she took Toby for a walk last Tuesday. Police admitted yesterday that they did not know why she was killed. Deputy Chief Constable Tom Richards said: “I don’t know the motive for this attack, I don’t know if it was someone she knew, I don’t know if it was an attack by a stranger. .

“This possibility is particularly frightening for local residents. So I don’t know if it’s someone who is regularly in the region. He said Julia’s dog had been tested for possible DNA evidence, adding: “We have a very significant forensic strategy and it includes the dog.”

Detectives hope the recently released photo, showing what the police community support officer looked like on the day of her murder, will jog the memory of all witnesses.

In the photo, the mom of two wears a light blue waterproof coat, blue jeans and brown rubber boots. She has Toby in mind. The photo is believed to have been taken on a previous walk rather than the day she was murdered.

Mr Richards said: “We want to hear from people who think they saw her walking Toby that day and we also want to talk to people who were in the area this afternoon or who saw Julia.” Agents have released few other details about the scene.

Julia, a grandmother, worked in a domestic violence unit in Canterbury. She died of serious head injuries.

Police are still carrying out door-to-door investigations in Snowdown, his hometown and neighboring Aylesham.

On Tuesday, a week after the tragedy, they interviewed the occupants of 449 cars.

It also emerged yesterday that the parents had been warned of a prowler who approached a child in a nearby village and asked him for Instagram photos.

The youngster was walking through Martin Mill, eight miles from Snowdown, when a man pulled up in a car and, after asking for directions, offered money for the social media snaps.

Sir Roger Manwood School in Sandwich, Kent, sent a note to parents warning them of the incident near the station.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-06 11:53:38