
Bedfordshire NHS staff urge reluctant communities to get vaccinated against Covid-19 – in 13 different languages Bedford News

Marva Desir, Assistant Head Nurse of Children's Services, who works at Luton and Dunstable Hospital
Marva Desir, Assistant Head Nurse of Children’s Services, who works at Luton and Dunstable Hospital

NHS staff at Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and local GPs have produced a video urging their local community to join them in getting vaccinated against Covid-19.

The video can be viewed on YouTube and on Trust and CCG’s social media channels from today (May 7).

The vaccination program continues to perform well across the county, with more than 450,000 people now protected in Bedford, Central Bedfordshire and Luton, having received their first or both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

However, there are still specific groups and communities where adoption is a bit slower.

The video celebrates the diversity of the Bedfordshire community, with staff speaking in a variety of languages ​​from around the world.

The message is to demonstrate how the local NHS reflects the rich diversity of our community and to urge people, no matter where they are from or their families, to join NHS staff to get the vaccine.

Marva Desir, assistant head nurse for children’s services, who works at Luton & Dunstable Hospital and lives in Luton, is featured in the video.

She said: “I am passionate about encouraging people to get vaccinated.

“It’s especially in the parts of our community that have been hit the hardest, and where there is still uncertainty.

“I know from my own friends and family there are doubts sometimes, but it’s so important to protect yourself and each other.

“I urge people to join me and take the opportunity to get this vaccine when you have the opportunity.”

Bedford GP Vijay Nayar also said: “The best way out of the current pandemic is to get most people vaccinated. I’m proud to help spread this message and this video does a great job of getting it across.

“Getting vaccinated gives you the best protection against serious illness if you contract Covid-19. The second doses are just as important, so don’t delay when invited to a date – you need both doses for the highest levels of protection.

“Every member of the public can help support our core workers and the national effort by following the guidelines in place to try to contain the virus and remembering the hands, face and space at all times.”

At the local level, the NHS worked with key Council partners and partners from faith groups and community leaders to continue to spread the message, find new ways to reach the community and spread the positive message.

Patients aged 40 are currently advised to book their Covid vaccination appointments.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-07 17:26:57