UK News

BREAKING: Campaigners WIN referendum to change how Sheffield Council works UK News

There were 89,000 votes in favor of moving to committees and 48,000 votes to stay with the existing system.

A Cabinet will remain next year while there is a gradual transition to committees. The number of committees, how they are formed and how they will function are still to be debated.

The council no longer has overall control after the defeat of Labor in the local elections. No political party has a majority, so a coalition will be needed.

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Count of the Sheffield City Council elections in 2021. The Lib Dems celebrate. Photo: Chris Etchells

The referendum was called by It’s Our City activists.

Sheffield Governance Referendum Account. Woll Newall and Anne Barr of It’s Our City. Photo: Chris Etchells

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This notice was published: 2021-05-10 12:25:13