UK News

COVID-19: Boris Johnson says ‘one meter plus’ rule could be dropped from June 21 – and suggests there are no ‘newspapers for publicity’ | Political news

A key social distancing measure could be dropped from June 21, the prime minister said – while hinting that the government may not proceed with the introduction of COVID “passports” nationwide.

Boris Johnson Monday confirmed that England go to the third step of its roadmap to facilitate coronavirus lockdown restrictions in a week, May 17.

This will allow pubs and restaurants to serve people indoors again, while people will once again be able to hug friends and family – though the government has called for caution.

05/10/2021.  London, UK.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson attends the Covid-19 press conference at 10 Downing Street.  Photo by Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street
Boris Johnson has said England are ‘on track’ to ease restrictions again on June 21 Pic: Simon Dawson / 10 Downing St

England on track for next roadmap milestone on June 21

Speaking at a press conference in Downing Street to announce the latest unlock, the Prime Minister also considered the fourth step of his roadmap.

This is when, as Mr Johnson has said previously, the government hopes it can “remove all legal limits on social contact”.

The Prime Minister said on Monday that England remained “on track” to move to the fourth stage on June 21, as he had promised to unveil more details later this month to allow companies to move forward. prepare for the final step of the roadmap.

Rule one meter more to abandon?

But he suggested that the “one meter plus” rule – which means people must wear masks, sit apart from each other, or use screens within two meters of each other – could be dropped. from this date.

This could allow pubs, restaurants and other places to operate at larger capacities and serve more customers.

“As far as social distancing from June 21 is concerned, I am looking at the data very carefully and I think at the moment it seems to me that we may be able to do without the more than one meter rule,” Mr Johnson said.

“It’s not decided yet, it’s not clear yet – we’ll have to wait and see. But it’s by being careful and careful that we …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-10 18:26:00