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Countdown star Rachel Riley in court battle over former Corbyn aide’s ‘dangerous’ tweet | UK News

Countdown star Rachel Riley told the High Court she was worried about her job security after a tweet from an aide to former Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The TV presenter, 35, told Judge Nicklin that Laura Murray’s post “incites” hatred and causes people to try and get her fired.

The post described the number experts as “dangerous” and “stupid”.

Ms Riley, who has filed a libel suit against Ms Murray and seeks damages, said the tweet caused “serious damage” to her reputation, adding that she had taken steps to improve “personal safety. and domestic “.

Ms Riley said the 2019 tweet made her fear for the safety and longevity of her job
Ms Riley, pictured arriving in court on Monday, said the 2019 tweet raised concerns for the safety and longevity of her job.

Ms Murray, who no longer works as Mr Corbyn’s assistant, posted a tweet on March 3, 2019 after an egg was thrown at Mr Corbyn by a Brexit supporter while visiting Finsbury Mosque Park in North London.

She was responding to a tweet posted by Ms Riley, the judge heard.

Ms Riley had posted a screenshot of a January 2019 tweet from Guardian columnist Owen Jones, about an attack on former UK National Party leader Nick Griffin, which read: ‘I think good life advice is, if you don’t want eggs thrown at you, don’t be a Nazi. “

She had added “Good advice”, with emojis of a red rose and an egg.

Later Ms Murray tweeted: ‘Today Jeremy Corbyn went to his local mosque to visit my mosque and was attacked by a Brexiteer.

“Rachel Riley tweets that Corbyn deserves to be violently attacked for being a Nazi. This woman is as dangerous as she is stupid. No one should engage with her. Never.”

Ms Murray said in her defense that what she tweeted was true and reflected her opinion honestly.

In April 2020, Judge Nicklin ruled Ms Murray’s tweet to be defamatory.

The judge concluded that the tweet meant that: Ms Riley had “publicly stated” that Mr Corbyn was assaulted while visiting a mosque; that he …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-10 17:46:00