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COVID-19: Indoor pints and family hugs – Boris Johnson confirms further easing of lockout in England from May 17 | Political news

Britons will be able to enjoy a pint or meal indoors, kiss loved ones and return to the movies – but not dance at weddings – in a week, as Boris Johnson confirmed the latest easing of the COVID lockdown in England.

the Prime Minister said the country will take the third step of its roadmap to lift restrictions from Monday, May 17.

It comes like the UK COVID the alert level was lowered from four to three, meaning coronavirus is in “general circulation” but this transmission is not “high or increasing exponentially”.

Issue 10 highlighted how the latest data showed infection rates are now at their lowest level since last September, while deaths and hospitalizations are at their lowest since last July.

And, speaking at a press conference in Downing Street, Mr Johnson said the latest unlock “was a very big step on the way back to normalcy”.

As part of the latest easing of lockdown restrictions starting next Monday:

• Brits will be able to meet outdoors in groups of no more than 30 people; and meet indoors in groups of up to six people, or as two households. Children of all ages, including infants, will count towards the six person indoor limit
• People will have the choice to socially distance themselves from close family and friends they meet. But they are urged to be cautious about the risks of hugs
• High schools and colleges will no longer require students to wear masks in classrooms or common areas
• All university students will be able to resume teaching in person
• Pubs, bars and restaurants will be able to serve visitors indoors, while cinemas, museums and indoor children’s play areas will reopen
• Theaters, concert halls, conference centers and sports stadiums may reopen, but with limits on audience and crowd sizes
• Adult sports may resume indoors and saunas and steam rooms may reopen
• People will be allowed to …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-10 15:05:00