UK News

COVID-19: PM announces the opening of an independent public inquiry into the government’s handling of the pandemic in spring 2022 | Political news

An independent public inquiry into the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic will begin in the spring of next year, the prime minister said.

Boris Johnson revealed the news in a COVID-19[female[feminine statement to MPs on Wednesday, telling the House of Commons that it will be able to take oral evidence under oath and put “state actions under the microscope.”

More than 127,000 people have died within 28 days of testing positive for the coronavirus since the pandemic began last year.

The Prime Minister said that “in the midst of such a tragedy, the state has an obligation to examine its actions as rigorously and frankly as possible, and to draw all the lessons for the future”.

He continued: “So I can confirm today that the government will establish an independent public inquiry on a statutory basis, with all powers under the Inquiries Act 2005 – including the ability to compel the production of all relevant documents and to collect oral testimony in public under oath. “

Mr Johnson said his government would work closely with the decentralized administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to set up the investigation, consulting his mandate.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-12 11:23:00