UK News

Mosquitoes with ‘very dangerous’ viruses head for UK – urgent warning to close windows | UK | New UK News

The weather will heat up as the UK moves into the summer months, dragging millions of flying insects. The latest influx of bugs has prompted the public to keep windows closed as much as possible. Mosquitoes found in the UK are normally harmless, but a new breed carrying the potentially deadly Zika virus is believed to be present in the country already.

The Asian tiger mosquito, whose bite can transmit 23 infections such as West Nile virus and dengue fever, is also believed to be in circulation.

The mixed sun and rain over the past few weeks could be an attraction for insects.

A spokesperson for the Government’s Health Protection Agency warned, “We think it’s very likely that they are already here.

“They are voracious little beasts that will bite anything. In terms of disease transmission, that makes them very dangerous.”

There is also growing concern that diseases spread by the new mosquitoes will spread faster if they start to mate with mosquitoes native to the UK.

They are attracted to sweat on humans, which they can feel up to 50 meters away.

Symptoms of Zika virus include fever, joint pain, rash, headache, and muscle pain, but they can often be asymptomatic.

However, any potential infection can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women and, in some cases, lead to birth defects in their unborn children.

Asian tiger mosquitoes, native to Southeast Asia, are also extremely dangerous because they bite all day, unlike other mosquitoes, which tend to bite only in the evening.

Infected people can often have severe breathing difficulties because the mosquito can transmit a parasitic worm that attaches to the arteries of the lung.

This species of mosquito is also a carrier of West Nile virus, with symptoms such as fever and headache, but in more severe cases it can potentially lead to brain inflammation or fatal meningitis.

This virus is known to be particularly dangerous for young children and adults over 50.

Asian tiger mosquitoes, which tend to stay close to the ground, can lay eggs in water containers, including flower pots and buckets, as well as cans and bottle caps.

They only need a quarter of an inch of water to successfully lay their eggs.

This type of mosquito also targets domestic animals such as cats and dogs, as well as several species of birds.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-11 23:00:00