
Tragedy of the death of a nine year old boy after being struck by lightning on a football field in Blackpool Yorkshire News

The boy, who has not been identified, was killed in the incident on a soccer field in the city tonight (Tuesday).

A statement issued by Lancashire said: “A nine-year-old boy has sadly died following an incident on a football field earlier tonight.

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“We were called shortly after 5.05 pm today at the School Road fields to report that a child had been injured.

“Although investigations are still ongoing, at this time we believe the boy had been struck by lightning.

“The emergency services came and took him to the hospital, but sadly he died shortly thereafter.

“The boy’s family has been informed and is being supported by agents.”

Detective Superintendent Nick Connaughton said: “This is a truly devastating incident and our thoughts go wholeheartedly to the family and friends of the young man who passed away at this most sad and harrowing time.”

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This notice was published: 2021-05-11 21:12:13