
“Why do Covid jab rates vary so much across Brighton? Brighton News

The latest Covid-19 vaccine statistics for Brighton, released recently by The Argus, uncovered a startling difference between the highest and lowest coverage of two of the city’s areas.

While 73.4% of the people of Rottingdean and Saltdean, over the age of 16, had received their first hits, the figure for Coldean and Moulsecoomb was significantly lower, standing at just 29%, which, to my opinion, is absolutely huge. difference.

Why was that, I wonder, especially when they are part of the same city and separated by only six or seven miles?

Is this due to a big difference in age groups in these two areas of the city?

Could it be because one of them has a higher concentration of students than the other?

Did one neighborhood have more or better vaccination centers than the other?

I have no answers to this riddle, so maybe the esteemed Argus editor could send one of his intrepid reporters with instructions to delve deeper into and solve the mystery of the missing shots.

Eric Waters


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This notice was published: 2021-05-12 04:54:00