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Greensill Lobbying: Every Chance of David Cameron being referred to MPs to answer other questions | Political news

It was always going to be a long and painful afternoon for David Cameron. And it couldn’t have been much worse.

But he did not help himself by being evasive, interminable and giving answers to questions that will be disputed and contested.

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Greensill paid ‘a lot more’ than the Prime Minister’s salary

The overwhelming impression that anyone who sat for nearly four hours for Members’ Questions on two House of Commons committees will have formed is that he was a former prime minister who wanted to cash in and earn money. silver.

He looked devious as he repeatedly refused to reveal how much he was paid by financier Lex greensill, leaving Mel Stride, the normally mild-mannered Tory MP who chairs the Special Treasury Committee, visibly annoyed.

Mr. Cameron was forced to admit to the tenacious Lady Angela Eagle of Labor that he appreciated the benefit of free flights to Cornwall, to visit her vacation home, in Mr. Greensill’s private jet.

So while he would not admit to receiving a millionaire’s paycheck from the Australian tycoon, it was revealed that he was living the millionaire lifestyle of private jets and stocks – not stock options, a- he said – which the super-rich take for granted.

At one point, Mr Cameron spoke of potentially earning the kind of salary a big bank pays other former prime ministers. Who could he talk to? Obviously Tony Blair’s $ 1 million salary with JP Morgan.

Listening to Mr Cameron and reading between the lines, when he didn’t mention Mr Blair by name, he gave the impression that he envies financial power after Downing Street and manhood. World elder state of its Labor predecessor.

Blair’s heir? Obviously you want it, Mr Cameron.

The afternoon’s first hearing with the Treasury Committee got off to a bad start for Mr. Cameron.

He pissed off Mr. …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-13 18:58:00