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Indian variant of Covid-19: answers to key questions as cases found in the northeast UK News

A senior health official from the Northeast estimates that the Indian variant currently accounts for less than 2% of the region’s Covid cases.

The fast-spreading strain was discovered this week in North Tyneside, following an outbreak linked to a Tynemouth bar, as well as in Newcastle.

There are fears that the mutant variant could derail plans to reopen Britain after months of lockdown.

However, Amanda Healy, president of the Northeastern Association of Public Health Directors, believes we should still be allowed to meet indoors from Monday – and a balance must be struck for that to happen. we can go on with our lives.

In an interview with ChronicleLive, she explained why the public must continue to follow the rules for now – even if they are fully vaccinated – as well as the impact the vaccine rollout has already had on protecting the public.

Below, she answers a few key questions before the lockdown restrictions are relaxed.

How are we going to prevent cases from skyrocketing once restrictions are relaxed from May 17?

“I think people just need to remember some of the basics, in terms of washing their hands, keeping their distance if possible, covering their face and getting good ventilation,” she said. declared.

“These are all things that can stop the transmission of the virus. And if anyone has symptoms, get tested.”

She also said the vaccination schedule will remain a major factor. to keep the virus at bay.

Adoption in the Northeast, according to Amanda, has been “very high.”

“We have to keep a very high standard, especially when we move to slightly younger groups,” she added.

How do you keep the audience motivated to continue playing the role?

She said it was only because people played their part that the region got to this point with the company set to open up even more in a few days.

This should continue for now, even if you are vaccinated, because not everyone has been vaccinated.

If you’re vaccinated, that could mean adhering to the rules until – say – your older grandchildren have been trapped. The virus can still be fatal in extremely rare cases for healthy young adults.

“We are also not 100% sure of transmissions, of people who have been vaccinated, so people 50 or 60 years old with children or grandchildren, it is their motivation to protect others,” he said. -she adds.

“And I don’t think any of us want to see a position where we’re seeing an increase in infections or hospital admissions again, so we have to keep going a little bit longer and be reasonable and careful.”

Are there any worrying signs that cases are now on the rise locally, especially since the rapidly spreading Indian variant is in our area?

“We are certainly not seeing any local sign of an increase in hospital admissions, which is really positive and the case rate among those over 60 is very low as well,” Amanda added.

She insists there was “no evidence” that the Indian variant causes more serious illness or increases the risk of death – or that the vaccine does not work against it.

“These are all positive signs, although we must be vigilant,” she added.

Should we reopen rooms if there’s a variant circulating – ultimately – that we still don’t know much about?

“What we need to recognize is that as we move forward on this roadmap, variations will be part of how we live with Covid,” Amanda said.

“The alternative is simply to stay in extremely restrictive positions which cause enormous damage to people’s lives.

Customers raise their glasses to celebrate the reopening of pubs in England after the lockdown
Customers raise their glasses to celebrate the reopening of pubs in England after the lockdown

“There are not too many cases of (Indian variant) in the North East yet, and we are also seeing our rates at a very low level.

“I think people have gone to great lengths to make sure businesses and events are as safe as possible – not totally risk-free – but at this point it seems like it’s the right thing to go. to the next part of the roadmap and to have some of the things people wanted. “

But how many cases of the Indian variant are there in the northeast?

“I don’t know the exact number, but what I do know is that there are a small number,” she said, adding that officials were working on actions to prevent it from happening. spread as much as possible.

But when asked how we stack up against the rest of the country – some reports in national media have said the Northeast is the least affected so far – the situation is not too bad right now.

“What we saw in the North East shortly before Christmas was a huge increase in the Kent variant and that eventually became 100% of our cases in the North East.

“We have seen very small numbers of the Indian variant of concern, possibly as low as 1% to 1.5% of all cases in the Northeast.”

In general, how worried are you about the Indian variant – should the public be afraid?

“I worry about a lot of things, the mental health of people and people who have lost their jobs. The worry variant has to be seen in perspective with all of these things.

“We have to help people get back to their normal lives and …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-13 20:42:51