UK News

London Railway Company Apologizes for Welcoming ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ After LGBT Anger | UK | New UK News

The non-binary passenger, known as Laurence and uses them and them pronouns, tweeted his complaint to the rail network. Laurence wrote on Twitter: “” Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls … “so as a non-binary person, this ad doesn’t apply to me, so I won’t listen to it.”

Laurence is believed to work for the Rail, Maritime and Transport union.

Following their complaint, LNER was forced to respond and said their train managers should “not use language” like this.

They replied, “I’m so sorry to see this, Laurence, our Train Managers shouldn’t use language like this, and thank you for bringing it to my attention.

“Please could you let me know what department you are on and I will make sure they remain as inclusive as we strive to be at LNER.”

Laurence’s colleague Jarley – who also identifies as non-binary – said he was “alarmed” and “uncomfortable” with the lack of inclusion.

Jarley wrote: “Laurence and I were customers of the railway – being a member of the railway staff does not relieve an operator of the duty of care or the responsibility of being inclusive.

“I was sitting with Laurence when this tweet was sent.

“We’re not both binaries and we were both alarmed and uncomfortable with the lack of inclusion.”

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“Identify however you want, but can we stop this nonsense?”

Columnist Paul Embery also criticized the complaint “completely ridiculous”.

Julia Hartley-Brewer also tweeted: “Stop bowing to this nonsense.

“Your presenter didn’t say anything bad. Laurence’s complaint is ridiculous.

“No one has been excluded or discriminated against. Just do your job of running trains on time and leave politics awake to someone else who has nothing better to do.”

LNER has since confirmed that the driver will not get “trouble” and no action has been taken against the staff member.

In a statement, they said, “We don’t go out of our way to accommodate one person, we do our best to accommodate each person.

“Here is the difference.

“We are committed to diversity and inclusion in everything we do for our customers, colleagues and communities, and encourage our crews on board to welcome all customers on board.

“Our policies and procedures are reviewed regularly and we will consider whether further changes need to be made.”

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This notice was published: 2021-05-13 19:45:59