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Rules and advice for meeting rooms and overnight stays from May 17th UK News

Friends and families will be allowed to gather indoors starting Monday, May 17 for the first time since Christmas time.

Despite concerns over the spread of the Indian variant Covid-19, as it stands, England will enter the third stage of its four-stage roadmap without lockdown on Monday, May 17.

The date should bring many changes. Restaurants and pubs will be allowed to serve customers indoors, provided they are groups of up to six people or two households. Leisure providers like cinemas, museums and arcades can also reopen. The UK government’s ‘stay in UK’ order will end, meaning holidays abroad can return, though there are only 12 countries on the ‘green list’ ‘government for quarantined travel and the most popular, Portugal, is expected to extend its own. lockdown measures until May 30.

May 17 is also the date on which people will be allowed to meet indoors with friends and family, which may include overnight stays. Separated households will also be allowed to vacation together and share accommodation.

Advice on changes in physical distance as well: you will no longer be instructed to stay two meters from those with whom you do not live.

Can I spend the night with a friend or relative from May 17th?

Yes, Boris Johnson has confirmed that households can mix indoors from May 17, in groups of up to six or a maximum of two households. This includes overnight stays. The care bubbles are considered to be part of the household to which they are linked.

The government always prefers people to meet outdoors, but if they meet indoors, it advises, “If you are meeting indoors, make sure the space is well ventilated. windows and doors, or take other measures to let plenty of fresh air in. Bringing fresh air into a room and removing older stale air that may contain virus particles reduce the risk of spread of Covid-19. The more fresh air inside, the faster any airborne virus will be cleared from the room. “

Can I go on vacation with another household?

Yes, holidays in the UK – and abroad if possible – with people you don’t live with are allowed from Monday 17th May as it is now.

The government says: “All holiday accommodation will be open (including hotels and guesthouses). This can be used by groups of up to six or two households (each household can include a support bubble, if eligible).”

Should I stay away from people I don’t live with?

Strictly speaking, no. The government says it will no longer tell people to stay 2 meters away from those they don’t live with.

Instead, he says “exercise caution”. So, try to stay away when you can, especially when you are meeting more vulnerable people and if either party has not been fully immunized.

The Cabinet Office says: “Instead of asking you to stay 2m away from anyone you do not live with, you will be encouraged to exercise caution and heed the advice on the risks associated with Covid- 19 and the steps you can take to help keep yourself and your loved ones safe.Remember that the risks of close contact may be greater for some people than for others and that in some contexts and circumstances you will need to follow specific advice even when you are with friends and family. “

Are hugs allowed from May 17th?

Essentially, yes, as the 2 meter requirement is removed, people from other households are allowed to have physical contact, including cuddling.

Again, consider the dangers and vulnerabilities of others when deciding what to do.

The Prime Minister’s Office said: “The public can make informed personal decisions about close contact, such as hugs, with friends and family. Close contact continues to pose a risk of catching or spreading Covid. -19, and people need to consider the risk. For themselves and for others. Rules secured by Covid remain for the workplace and businesses, such as in stores and hotels. “

Should I wear a face mask or face mask when meeting other households?

If you are entering a friend or relative’s house, you are not required to wear a face mask, although if you encounter a vulnerable person it is advisable.

But in public places, face masks are often still needed in England. In restaurants and pubs, for example, you will have to wear one without being seated at your table.

Here’s where you should wear a face mask or blanket:

  • public transport (planes, trains, trams and buses)
  • taxis and private rental vehicles
  • transport hubs (airports, railway and tram stations and terminals, seaports and terminals, bus and coach stations and terminals)
  • stores and supermarkets (places that offer goods or services for retail sale or rental)
  • shopping centers (shopping centers and indoor markets)
  • auction houses
  • premises offering hospitality services (bars, pubs, restaurants, cafes), except when they are seated at a table to eat or drink (see exemptions)
  • post offices, banks, building societies, high street lawyers and accountants, credit unions, short-term loan providers, savings clubs and money-service businesses

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This notice was published: 2021-05-15 05:00:00