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Rose West’s daughter says mother ‘will take secret of missing teenage girl to her grave’ UK News

The key to what happened to Mary Bastholm’s disappearance and where her body lies under a cafe could be held with assassin Rose West.

West’s daughter Mae fears her mother – partner of serial killer Fred West – knows the answers.

Mae, 49, is in desperate need of Mary’s family shut down.

But she fears that the insensitive Rose, 67, will take the secrets to her grave.

Mae spoke to the Sunday Mirror on behalf of her siblings in an exclusive interview days after it emerged police had started digging for Mary under a cafe where she worked – and where Fred was hired to do some work. construction work. Mae explained to us how:

  • Rose may be hiding details that Fred revealed about what happened to Mary, fearing she might be her first murder victim.
  • She faces the daily “torture” of being born to Britain’s most evil parents.
  • The police search aroused “intense” emotions about her parents’ past.
  • She hasn’t spoken to her mother for 12 years and they’ve grown so far apart that she doesn’t even expect to be notified of Rose’s death.

It is feared that Mae’s monstrous father uprooted and murdered schoolgirl Mary, 15, in 1968.

For the past week, the police have been searching a basement cafe, half a mile from the Wests’ House of Horrors, at 25 Cromwell Street.

Mae said, “I really want Mary’s family closed. It’s so difficult that it can’t all be sorted out in one go. I would definitely like his family shut down.

When asked if she thought Rose would give out information about Mary’s murder, Mae replied, “She won’t. I think Mary’s murder was before its time, but how do you know what they were discussing?

Fred and Rose West

Tonight, a tent remained at the Southgate Street cafe in Gloucester, with officers looking for clues.

The cafe was where Mary worked as a waitress and Fred was a regular customer.

A business owner near the cafe said: “It’s terrifying – we’re told the digs will go on for weeks. You can hear the drilling.

“Everyone in the world is focused on this little corner of Gloucester.”

Rose’s comrade at New Hall Prison in West Yorkshire will follow the news, but sources say the killer is unlikely to agree.

Mary, from South Shields, went missing on January 6, 1968 while waiting at a bus stop on the Bristol route from Gloucester on her way to see her boyfriend Trevor Merrett.

She had a Monopoly board game that she intended to play.

Several of his pieces were found on snowy ground near the bus stop. A silver locket, which the family said belonged to Mary, was found by police at the Wests’ home.

Rose first met Fred at Cheltenham Coach Station in early 1969. She had just turned 15 and he was 27. Over the next two decades, they embarked on one of the UK’s worst killings.

Mae said: “I probably asked mom about Mary when we were in safe houses. The police said we were the best cop they knew – we would ask mom about things they just told us.

“She never said anything. I don’t know how she would have known that, because Mum would have been 15 when Mary disappeared.

“That doesn’t mean they haven’t talked about it among themselves.”

The latest twist in the Western saga came after a television crew led by Sir Trevor McDonald uncovered potentially vital evidence. The crew – making a documentary for ITV – took a corpse dog, trained to detect human remains, to The Clean Plate Cafe.

The animal would have reacted positively to a place in the basement. The radar also reportedly showed an image – apparently consistent with human remains – of the site of the old toilet.

The production company alerted Gloucestershire Police and the property has been cordoned off and placed under 24-hour surveillance.

A month before Mary’s disappearance, West reportedly carried out work in the cafe’s basement, laying a concrete floor and converting an area to the side into a toilet.

Mae West

But Mae wonders if her father left a body there.

She said, “How can they have evidence of the presence of a body?

“We tried to figure out what they found because they never contact us. My dad needed to know where everything was, so would he have taken that risk in the middle of a busy city?

“I know he [committed murders] in the fields, but I just felt he wouldn’t have risked that, doing it in a business with people coming in and out all the time.

“But it was early, you just don’t know.”

Mae was beaten by her mother and sexually abused by her father while growing up in the house where nine skeletons were found buried in the cellar and garden in 1994.

She was the second of the couple’s eight children. His older sister Heather, 16, and half-sister Charmaine, eight, were among the victims of the murder.

Fred, 53, committed suicide in prison in January 1995 before being tried for 12 murders. Rose was convicted of 10 murders later that year.

Mae stayed in touch with her mother for 10 years after being …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-16 12:12:46