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‘It devastated us’: a legacy for Sunderland baby girl Hope Jones who died in her parents’ arms UK News

A Sunderland father who lost his beautiful baby daughter to a rare heart defect is taking the next step towards what he hopes will be a charity in his memory.

Little Hope Jones passed away last December at the age of just seven months.

She has spent her entire life in the hospital.

Now his father, Tom, lacing up his running shoes to compete in the Sunderland City 10k, hoping to raise funds that he hopes will help other families have a similar experience.

Born six weeks in early May at Sunderland Royal Hospital, Hope was transferred to Freeman Hospital in Newcastle after being diagnosed with a series of heart defects.

Hope’s heart had a number of holes, as well as a major defect that caused the two main arteries – the pulmonary artery and the aorta – to connect to the right ventricle. Typically, the pulmonary artery connects to the right ventricle and the aorta connects to the left ventricle.

The youngster was also deaf in one ear when she was also diagnosed with pyloric stenosis – a condition that narrows the opening of the stomach to the first part of the small intestine.

Now her family want to establish the Hope Jones Memorial Fund as the official charity to honor their brave daughter. For Tom, who hasn’t been a runner since his days in the military, the event is a big challenge.

Tom Jones, the father of Sunderland, who runs a 10k in memory of his daughter Hope

“I thought the Sunderland 10K would be a good starting point for our efforts to raise awareness of the Hope Memorial Fund,” said Tom, who rode his bike to get back into shape.

“I haven’t even run for a bus since I graduated from the military many years ago, but I can’t wait for the challenge.”

Tom and his partner Lisa Halliday, who are also the parents of Abigail, 13, and Holly, 8, say the charity would help other families in the area who have children in hospital by due to heart, respiratory or neurological problems, with financial support.

Hope Jones with her father, Tom Jones, mother Lisa Halliday and sisters Holly, 8, and Abigail, 13

“We hope to create this charity to keep Hope’s memory alive and to help parents in similar situations who have the financial burden of going to the hospital daily or staying if they are from out of home. region, ”added Tom.

“Hope’s passing has devastated us as a family beyond words, but if we can help make things easier with just one family, then Hope will not have died in vain.

After an unsuccessful operation at just four weeks old, Hope had to be fed intravenously her entire life.

Hope Jones was born six weeks earlier from an emergency Caesarean

She suffered strokes and seizures, while she was also diagnosed with severe cerebral palsy.

But she continued to defy the doctors, fighting bravely until December 14, when hospital staff announced the bomb that they could do nothing more and that she died “peacefully” in her arms. of his parents.

To date, over £ 700 has been raised through a GoFundMe page aimed at reviving the cause. The family hope that the sum will increase before the 10 km, which will take place on Sunday, June 20.

Thousands of people are expected to participate in a series of races over a weekend, which will include the Sunderland City Half Marathon and 10K, as well as the Active Sunderland BIG 3K. All three events will start and end in Keel Square, in the city center.

To donate to the creation of the charitable foundation, visit the JustGiving page.