
Police saw ‘large group of drunken students’ disperse on Hove seafront Brighton News

There was a heavy police presence on the waterfront this evening amid reports of a “large gathering” of students.

Dozens of teenagers have been seen gathering on Hove Lawns, and photos show officers dispersing groups.

A passerby said: “There were plenty of drunk grade 11 students because it’s their last day before GCSEs.

“There were a lot of police there because of Covid.”

The Argus:

Another witness said he saw a girl “lying on the grass passed out” and surrounded by police.

Sussex Police have been contacted for comment.

The Argus:

Under current coronavirus restrictions, gatherings should not exceed 30 people unless covered by a legal exemption, such as for work or volunteer work, or to provide care or assistance to people with disabilities or vulnerable people. .

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This notice was published: 2021-05-26 19:28:00