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Justice for Heroes: Tips for Condemning Thugs Who Attack Rescue Workers for the First Time UK News

Judges and magistrates should get advice on how to deal with thugs who first attack emergency service workers.

Revised sentencing guidelines for assault offenses were released today by the Sentencing Council, after consultation.

The guidelines include the sentencing of those convicted of a range of violent offenses, from common assault to attempted murder.

And now, for the first time ever, judges and magistrates in England and Wales will have specific guidelines for sentencing offenses of assault against emergency workers, which reflect legislation that has increased the maximum penalty for common assault where the victim was an emergency worker last year.

The move comes after The Chronicle launched its Justice for Heroes campaign calling on the government to take action to ensure courts use all of their sentencing powers when dealing with those targeting 999 workers.

Northumbrian Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness.

The guidelines for attempted murder, the most serious form of non-fatal assault, have also been revised with a new range of sentences of up to 40 years to ensure that sentences for the most serious cases reflect the seriousness of the offense.

And now Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness has lauded the Chronicle’s campaign for highlighting the problem and helping to push for new directions, which she hopes will help ensure the safety of officers.

She said: “I was grateful to The Chronicle for pointing out how serious this was and I supported their Justice for Heroes campaign from the start.

“Not a week goes by without some kind of abuse or attack on an emergency worker. Only the other day a police officer had his wrist broken by a violent man in Gateshead.

ChronicleLive Justice For Heroes Campaign
ChronicleLive Justice For Heroes Campaign

“This is completely unacceptable and it is high time that the conviction of these crimes be reconsidered. We must do all we can to fight and prevent a crime like this – because it continues – and it must. cease. Any dissuasive or appropriate punishment is welcome. by me. “

While Chris Lowther, Fire Chief at Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service, added: “I welcome the revised sentencing guidelines and the additional information relating to offenses against emergency service workers.

Christopher Lowther received the Queen's Fire Service Medal
Fire Chief Chris Lowther

“No one should be subjected to abuse or attack in carrying out their day-to-day functions of supporting communities.

“Too often, where this happens, the sentencing appears to be inconsistent with the crime and the gravity of the case, and I hope the revised sentencing guidelines begin to address this and ensure that those guilty of attacks on rescuers or any other person in society face the full weight of the law with a sentence that reflects the seriousness of the offense and acts as a deterrent to others. “

Justice for Heroes was launched following a terrible wave of attacks on North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) workers last summer.

There was a shock after crews suffered three physical attacks in a weekend in July.

Paramedics from the Northeast Ambulance Service
Paramedics from the Northeast Ambulance Service

And that shock turned to anger when a thug behind an attack, Luke Gallagher, walked out of court.

Gallagher has been called ‘shameful’ after hitting a paramedic with a dog chain, punching him in the face and pulling him to the ground.

The 28-year-old, from Seaton Delaval, then threw a section of broken wall through an ambulance window, showering another paramedic with glass.

But although he was convicted of assaulting an emergency worker, an offense that at the time carried a maximum sentence of 12 months behind bars, he was released on pain of suspended prison sentence.

The move was greeted with dismay by ChronicleLive readers, with hundreds of comments on social media saying he should have been sent to jail.

Luke Gallagher at Newcastle Crown Court

The new sentencing guidelines also include a new high guilt factor of “intent to raise fear of serious harm, including transmission of disease” in the common assault guidelines and a new aggravating factor of “willful spitting or coughing” in common assault and assault causing actual bodily harm (ABH) offense guidelines.

Judge Rosa Dean, Member of the Sentencing Council, said: “Assault is a traumatic offense and can cause great distress to the victim both physically and psychologically, and it is important that the sentences reflect the harm and upheaval that can be caused to many people – both ordinary members of the public and the professionals doing their jobs.

“These guidelines provide updated sentencing guidelines for a range of assault offenses from common assault to attempted murder and include guidelines for sentencing offenses. involving assault on emergency workers. The guidelines will ensure the imposition of appropriate and proportionate penalties …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-26 23:01:00