
Coldean Lane in Brighton closes today for six days Brighton News

An OCCUPIED road will be closed today for nearly a week to cut down hundreds of diseased trees.

Brighton and Hove City Council is closing Coldean Lane for six days – starting today – so it can do ‘essential work’ on the trees facing the road.

Ash dieback by fungal infection has become established in many trees and they must be eliminated “before they fall”.

If left alone, they could cause serious damage to people and property, the council warned.

L'Argus: previous cutting of trees in ColdeanPrevious tree felling in Coldean

The first section runs from Park Road to the junction of Forest Road and will take place Tuesday through Thursday.

The second section is just north of the Forest Road junction at Hawkhurst Road and will take place Friday through Sunday.

“We realize that there is never a good time to close a busy road like this, but it has been agreed between the tree experts on the council, our transport team, the bus company and the contractor that midterm would cause the least disruption, ”a spokesperson said.

L'Argus: previous cutting of trees in ColdeanPrevious tree felling in Coldean

“We have posted letters to what we believe are all homes in the Coldean Estate explaining the situation, including ways in which people can contact us and the bus company for more information.

About 20 percent of all forest trees owned by the city council are ash, and therefore, they will be felled to protect wildlife and people in a “never” situation.

City council is also seeing an increase in elm disease among the trees, but they say it can be contained, unlike the “devastating” ash dieback.

The board responded to a series of frequently asked questions.

Why is this work being done?

Many trees facing Coldean Lane are dying of ash dieback disease and must be removed for safety reasons and before they fall.

Why do you do the work during the school holidays? Wouldn’t it have been better another time?

There is never a good time to do this type of work because disruption will always be caused. However, the bus company and council discussed the best time to carry out the work and it was agreed to avoid the start of the school year as the children traveled to school by bus, car or on foot.

Less disruption will take place during school holidays rather than during terms.

There will be detours for vehicles and buses and only local residents of Coldean will have access to the estate. All other traffic will be rerouted on the A27.

Why are you doing the work during the nesting season? Why can’t he wait?

Ash dieback is spreading through the town and the trees of Coldean Woods are severely affected by the disease. The risk of trees collapsing on the road and the damage and injury that might be caused must outweigh all other problems and concerns.

We also work closely on site with expert conservationists to minimize any potential disturbance to protected species like nesting birds and bats.

We never remove birds or nests from trees unless the trees endanger people’s life and / or property.

Who decides which trees are removed and will the contractor be monitored?

As with the removal of any tree in the city, the decision is made by our arboriculture team who, along with our contractors, are all tree experts and have joined the profession because of their love and passion for them. trees and nature.

They will not remove or remove one or more trees unless that job is done.

Why can’t I park on Coldean Lane, the sidewalk or the shoulders during construction?

Many trees facing Coldean Lane are dying of ash dieback disease and must be removed for safety reasons and before they fall.

Any car parked on the road, sidewalk or shoulders could be seriously damaged by falling trees, branches or splinters.

If someone lives on Coldean Lane and normally parks their car on the driveway, why can’t they drive or move their car while working in the trees?

In order to complete the work, we will need to temporarily close two sections of Coldean Lane, of approximately three days each (six days in total), starting on Tuesday June 1 and ending on Sunday June 6.

The first section (phase 2a) runs from Park Road to the junction of Forest Road (Tuesday June 1 to Thursday June 3). The second section (phase 2b) is just north of the Forest Road junction to Hawkhurst Road (Friday June 4th ending Sunday June 6th).

If a car is parked in a driveway when work on that section of road begins, people will not be able to move their vehicle because the road will be closed.

In addition, any car parked on the road, sidewalk or shoulders could be seriously damaged by falling trees, branches or wood chips.

What if a person living on Coldean Lane has a disability / mobility issue and needs their car? If they park their car elsewhere, how will they be able to get to and from their homes?

We, the city council and the bus company, realize that this will be extremely inconvenient for residents.

However, the risk of trees collapsing on the road and the damage and injury that could be caused must outweigh all other issues.

We will have staff in place at all times to ensure your safety and that of other residents, and these staff will also be available to assist residents with mobility issues.

If you need further assistance during construction, please contact us at or call 01273 294349 during office hours.

What if you live on Coldean Lane and have an electric car? How would the person bill it?

If someone normally charges their car at home and needs to use it every day, we suggest – during the three days that this section of the road will be closed – to fully charge their car before work begins and park it. somewhere near their home, but not on Coldean Lane.

If the person normally charges it at a charging point, that shouldn’t be a problem until they park it outside their home when their part of the job is in progress.

Like everyone else, if the person does not need to use their car during the work, they can park in their driveway until the work is completed. If they need to use it during the work, they will have to park it elsewhere and go and return from their car to their home.

Why can’t I park my car on Rushlake Road during construction? What happens if I park there anyway?

To ensure the road is clear for buses (and fire and ambulance services), all vehicle parking will be closed and suspended on the west side of Rushlake Road from Park Road to Forest Road.

The bus service, and of course the emergency services, are vital for people, so this will be strictly monitored. Any parked vehicle will be reported to the police.

How can I find out about the bus service?

Please see the bus company website for more information or call 01272 886200.

Why are the trees left on the site rather than removed?

The tops of the trees will be left in place primarily as a way to reintroduce nutrients into the cycle of the wooded areas and to avoid removing soil flora with layers of wood chips. While this often results in messy looking sites, there are longer term benefits.

This will create a real mess. Will the trees in the woods grow back one day?

Many people remember the powerful storm that swept through many parts of the UK in October 1987. With wind gusts of up to 100mph there was massive devastation across the country and around 15 million. ‘trees were felled. Regeneration occurred after that and the trees grew back.

Although the felling of trees is overwhelming for many, we will take the opportunity to develop timber with a wider range of species and habitats and involve the local Coldean community in its regeneration.

Who will decide what will be replanted in the woods?

The board will work with the community to decide how Coldean Woods will be developed in the future.

Although the felling of trees is overwhelming for many, we will take the opportunity to develop timber with a wider range of species and habitats and involve the local Coldean community in its regeneration.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-01 08:21:05

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