
‘Green laners’ smashed a woman’s phone after she took a photo of them off the road Yorkshire News

Holme Valley South Councilor Donald Firth inspects damage to a green lane route used by bicyclists and 4×4 drivers. (Image: Andy Catchpool)

Police are investigating an incident in which “green lanes” smashed a woman’s mobile phone after she photographed her activity on a country road in Holme Valley.

The incident occurred earlier this month when a woman walking her dog near Holmfirth confronted a convoy of green lanes late at night.

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Witnesses said the woman’s phone was snatched from her hand after she took a photo.

He was then thrown to the ground and trampled on.

The green lane, in which track bikes and 4x4s face dirt tracks, narrow lanes and winding roads categorized as BARCOS (secondary roads open to all traffic), is legal and not prohibited by law.

However, in recent weeks the police have seized some illegal vehicles.

The growing nature of the conflict between rural communities and visitors in 4x4s and pickup trucks with motorcycles is alarming to some.

Local Councilman Donald Firth, who represents Holme Valley South for the Conservatives, said he was “shocked” by the latest incident, which he described as “an assault.”

He said: “This lady was approached by a green laner.

“They took the phone from him, they took it from him, then they threw it on the road and stamped it.

“They didn’t want to be photographed.”

The police officers who attended are said to have spoken with the drivers of three 4x4s and hired one for “engaging in illegal off-road activity.”

Two motorcycles were also seized.

The three vehicles were traveling on tracks that were part of Peak Park in Holme Moss.

West Yorkshire Police said: “Investigations are underway following a report that a woman’s phone was seized and damaged by men in an incident on Rakes Head Road, Holmfirth around 11.15pm on 3 May.

“A felony assault has been recorded in connection with the incident and the Kirklees police are conducting investigations.”

Resident Andy Wilson said it was time for a “unified solution” for the green lane, as the phenomenon affects the entire district and attracts vehicles from as far away as Leicestershire and Liverpool.

He added: “Right now we have a gradual approach. The city council has the solution. The police should not face this problem. The council is procrastinating. “

The council intends to introduce a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) at Yateholme in Holmbridge near Holmfirth, which would create a restricted area for four-wheelers.

Any unauthorized driver could face a fine of up to £ 1,000.

It would ban unlicensed four-wheelers. However, motorcycles would not be affected.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-01 09:00:43

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