UK News

Superb brunch at Sheffield city center restaurant was (almost) worth the lockdown year for UK News

For after a year of relentless restrictions, a meal outside, inside rather than shivering in the elements, and with someone outside my house, had been a very long time coming.

We made our way to Tamper at Sellers Wheel in the city center, which over the years has become a byword for brunch and barista coffee that wakes you up across Sheffield.

Sure, they turned to take away their New Zealand inspired goodies during the lockdown and still do … but it’s not quite the same at home now, is it ?

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Tamper Food Review on Arundel Street. Photo: Chris Etchells

For starters, there are the people who watch available when they dine away from your living room.

Our table was located just off the kitchen, with a wall covered in bright colors in a jungle mural, so the hustle and bustle of staff and other diners was brought to our feet. Happy moms changed their little babies in one frame and in another friends clanged cocktails.

A day’s work for us meant soft drinks – but two of their homemade cucumber, lime, and mint sodas were a chilly and refreshing start to the process.

It didn’t take long for our main courses to arrive. Service is certainly never better at home.

Tamper Food Review on Arundel Street. Photo: Chris Etchells

A blue plate contrasted well with the true color palette of my sweet corn fritters (gluten free and £ 10). These are the lightest, fluffiest donuts I have ever eaten, like eating sweet and light clouds.

A mousse of bright green peas and feta provided a creamy garnish, while tiny seeds provided crunch. On the plate, clever touches of apricot and Scotch Bonnet hot sauce were a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. Everything was topped with a perfectly poached egg and golden slices of salty halloumi cheese on the side (£ 2 more).

It was the kind of lunch you could eat every day – and dreamed about during the darkest days of the lockdown, when the supermarket shortage meant a fish finger salad was more likely to be on the menu. .

Kath had opted for the caponata with no idea what it was, as she loves tomatoes. This thick and rich Sicilian stew of peppers, red onions, olives and spicy eggplant with capers really hit the spot.

Tamper Food Review on Arundel Street. In the photo, the Rejuvinator. Photo: Chris Etchells

Her side of spicy Cajun cauliflower – rather than poached egg – was al dente and super tasty, adding a crunchy texture to contrast with the melt in the mouth stew. It was also accompanied by a generous portion of ciabatta bread.

There was no question of having desserts. Sod the waist, it was a party. Our cheerful waiter advised Eton’s tempting mess croissant as there was only ‘one of the bad boys left’. But we opted for a peanut slice and lemon poppy seed bread instead.

The peanut plate (£ 3.10) that arrived had a delicate crumbly base, a sticky peanut filling, and an ever-so-rich chocolate filling. Kath’s cake was lighter and tastier, with a tangy topping. No amount of homemade banana bread can ever match that.

Filled we staggered, drunk and stunned and very grateful to have finally dined at this beautiful, independent Sheffield hotel once again.

Tamper Food Review on Arundel Street. In the photo, corned beef. Photo: Chris Etchells

We paid £ 37.70, including two long coffees, and Tamper has a one-way system as well as all the usual Covid-19 security measures in place. Reservations recommended but no appointment available.

149 Arundel Street, Sheffield City Center, Sheffield S1 2NU


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This notice was published: 2021-05-31 18:57:18

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