UK News

Andrew Neil praises incredible vaccine rollout in UK as he exposes slow EU countries | United Kingdom | New UK News

Due to the vaccine rollout, the number of cases, deaths and hospital admissions have dropped rapidly across the country, Mr. Neil referred. In a brutal attack on the EU, Mr Neil revealed how the bloc’s two powers, France and Germany, still have seven-day averages in terms of deaths above 100. In a tweet Mr Neil said: “The latest 7-day average of daily Covid-related deaths is 104 in France, 148 in Germany, 94 in Italy and 28 in Spain.

“That’s six in Britain. The power of the vax deployment.”

Although the UK reported 12 deaths within two days of a positive test on Wednesday, the average death rate fell from a high of 1,285 on January 19.

Hospitalizations also fell to a seven-day average of 124.1 after peaking at 4,232.4 on January 9.

Following the rollout of the vaccine and the subsequent drop in Covid measures, the UK was able to proceed with the country’s unlocking.

In France, the government has warned that Covid restrictions will not be lifted any faster than expected due to high case and death rates.

In Germany, the country has reported 4,917 additional cases and 179 deaths across states according to the Robert Koch Institute as it continues to catch up after a slow start to the vaccination plan.

However, in England, medical professionals have claimed that the rollout of the vaccine has been a game-changer.

Due to the roll-out of the vaccine, many of those admitted to hospital are now younger and can therefore be treated in general wards.

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While many parts of the country experience low infection rates, Blackburn and Darwen, Kirklees, and Bolton have seen levels increase due to the Indian variant.

Intensive vaccine groups have been dispatched to these areas and it is hoped that the drugs will soon reduce infection rates.

However, the government has now declared the Indian or Delta variant as the dominant strain in the UK.

Dr Jenny Harries, Managing Director of the UK Health Safety Agency, said: “With this variant now dominant across the UK, it remains essential that we all continue to be as careful as possible.

“The way to fight the variants is to fight the transmission of COVID-19 as a whole.

“Work from home where you can and practice ‘hands, face, space, fresh air’ anytime.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-03 17:30:18

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