
Crawley Range Rover Drinks Driver Adam Faithfull Jailed Brighton News

A liquor driver held up a baton at the police before being tasered and arrested.

Adam Faithfull was arrested by police in Crawley who suspected he was exceeding the limit in a Range Rover.

The 37-year-old then stormed off and led the officers in a high-speed chase through Langley Green.

He drove around a roundabout and, when his vehicle finally parked, he took a baton out of the trunk and approached the police.

The footage showed the bully being tasered by police before being thrown to the ground.

At Brighton Magistrates’ Court, Faithfull admitted to driving dangerously, not stopping, driving under the influence, possessing an offensive weapon in public and two counts of common assault against a rescuer.

The Argus: Adam Faithfull drove a Range Rover dangerously while over alcohol limitAdam Faithfull drove Range Rover dangerously while over alcohol limit

Martina Sherlock, prosecutor, said the chaos occurred on April 8 of this year at 5:30 p.m.

When the police asked him to get out of the vehicle, he replied, “No, sorry, I won’t do that. ”

He sped along Langley Parade, Cherry Lane, Martyrs Avenue and to the Stagelands roundabout.

The police saw him turn around at the roundabout twice when Faithfull was on the wrong track.

PC Michael Carty said the Range Rover finally stopped at Langley Green and said: “I could immediately see it was wielding an extendable stick.

“He was pointing the tip at me threateningly and was within reach. I was worried that he would use the baton to smash the window of the patrol car and then attack me through the window.

The Argus: This was the moment Adam Faithfull was TaseredThis was the moment Adam Faithfull was Tasered

At the police station, Faithfull tested positive for 103 micrograms (mcg) of alcohol per 100 milliliters (ml) of breath. The legal limit is 35 mcg of alcohol per 100 ml of breath.

Ms Sherlock said: “The accused demonstrated a willful disregard for the safety of others.”

Lorraine Adams, defending, said her client has struggled with alcoholism and a gambling addiction.

He had received his wife’s divorce papers a few days earlier.

The Argus: Adam Faithfull was thrown to the ground and arrestedAdam Faithfull was thrown to the ground and arrested

She said her client “totally regrets” his behavior, but asked the magistrates to impose a suspended sentence to allow him to tackle the problems he faces.

But Magistrate Jo King said the crimes were so serious that only immediate passage behind bars was warranted.

Faithfull, of Rushetts Road, Crawley, was jailed for a total of 12 weeks.

He was also banned from driving for two years and four months.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-04 04:00:00

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