
When is the Queen’s official birthday? Why does she have two? Brighton News

It’s the Queen’s official birthday this week – but when is it her real birthday?

The Queen has two birthdays – her real one – on April 21, as she was born on April 21, 1926.

Then a second – the official holiday – the second Saturday in June.

But why does the Queen have two birthdays and how does she celebrate them?

The Argus: The royal family on the balcony for Trooping the Color in 2018The royal family on the balcony for Trooping the Color in 2018

When is the Queen’s birthday?

Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her true birthday on April 21.

His real birthday is normally a private affair, but the occasion is usually marked publicly with gunshots in central London at noon, a 41-shot salvo in Hyde Park, a 21-shot salute in Windsor Great Park and a 62 round salute to the Tower of London. .

This year, the Queen turned 95 just days after the funeral of her 73-year-old husband.

She spent the day at Windsor Castle during a period of royal mourning, the palace said.

The Queen celebrated her last big birthday, her 90th, on the official birthday in June 2016, with a big street party near Buckingham Palace for guests from the charities of which she is the godmother.

Why does the Queen have a second birthday?

A second birthday is held to mark the date if a ruler’s actual birthday does not fall during the summer months.

This is to ensure that there is the greatest likelihood of good weather for the parade, also known as Trooping the Color.

The Argus: Queen Elizabeth II Queen elizabeth ii

Like the Queen, King Edward VII was not born in summer, as he celebrated his birthday on November 9, his official birthday was marked throughout his reign in May or June in the hope that the weather would be fine for her birthday. Parade.

What is the color parade?

Trooping the Color is a parade through central London starring the Household Cavalry.

About 1,400 soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians usually participate in the parade.

They walk from Buckingham Palace towards the mall towards Downing Street.

The royal family then follows in carriages or on horseback.

The parade ends with the Queen and her family standing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, waving to the crowds below as the Red Arrows fly over.

What is the program this year?

Buckingham Palace has said the Duke of Kent will be Her Majesty’s “plus one” for Saturday’s annual celebration.

The couple are linked by their fathers Prince George, the former Duke of Kent, and King George VI, who died when the monarch was just 25 years old.

The Argus: Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh arriving at a celebration in 2015 Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh arriving for a celebration in 2015

Edward had previously replaced Philip on the parade in 2013 while in hospital after abdominal surgery.

The exhibit will be held in the Quadrangle of Windsor Castle and will be similar to last year’s event at the Berkshire Residence dubbed ‘mini trooping’.

Covid guidelines will be followed during the event which will incorporate many elements of the annual Queen’s Birthday Parade.

It will feature troops who played a critical role in the NHS ‘Covid-19 response and those who have served in military operations overseas.

The announcement comes days after the palace confirmed the dates and full itinerary of celebrations to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next summer, to be held over an additional four-day public holiday.

Her Majesty will celebrate her 70th birthday on the throne in June 2022 and the ‘once in a generation’ event will see Britain being granted two additional days off.

The monarch will be 96 years old by the time the landmark is reached, making her the first ruler to reign in seven decades.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-07 17:00:10

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