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Police officer on crusade against domestic violence receives MBE | United Kingdom | New UK News

Acting Sergeant Mike Taggart said his mother Donna Crist would have been “very proud” of her work in the North Wales Police. He was just 15 when Donna, 36, was stabbed to death after filing for divorce from husband Derek Evans. Evans was jailed for life in 1998 after admitting to his murder, but was released after serving 13 years.

Since joining the police force in his mid-twenties, Mike has led projects to eliminate violent and coercive partners, such as training salon staff to spot signs of abuse.

He said: “If something like this was available for mom at the time, maybe it would have encouraged her to get the help she needed.

“The trauma my family went through is one of the things that drove me to work, helping people who are victims of domestic violence. “

He said receiving the MBE was “amazing” but “a little bittersweet”.

Peter Beirne also received an MBE for his work as the Principal Investigating Officer with the Thames Valley Force, solving cold cases.

The Queens Police Medal went to Scotland Yard counterterrorism chief Alexis Boon, Thames Valley counter-criminal Richard List, North East counterterrorism boss Martin Snowden, and Meldin Thomas, a Afro-Caribbean gun pioneer.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-12 09:48:09

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