UK News

G7 summit: the barbecue on the beach of leaders “COVID secure” and respected the rules of social distancing, insists n ° 10 | Politics News

A beach barbecue for G7 leaders in Cornwall was ‘completely secure against COVID’ and followed current rules for outdoor gatherings of no more than 30 people, Number 10 said.

World leaders at the top of Carbis Bay gathered on Saturday evening on the sands of the resort town.

Downing Street said the “relaxed atmosphere” has given leaders – including US President Joe Biden – the opportunity to discuss global issues outside of formal summit sessions.

G7 leaders enjoy a beach barbecue at Carbis Bay
G7 leaders enjoy a beach barbecue at Carbis Bay
Number 10 said the event was in compliance with COVID rules

However, after photos of the event were shared, some had speculated that the rally violated England’s current social distancing rules – and before Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s. expected delay in the final phase of its roadmap to lift the restrictions.

Asked about images of world leaders’ crammed together ‘on the beach, the Prime Minister’s official spokesperson said:’ Last night’s event was conducted in a fully COVID secure manner and within existing rules .

“I have put in place the very strict approach we have taken to make sure we are COVID safe at the top, including daily testing.”

Pressed to find out if the event was in compliance with COVID rules, the spokesperson added: “The numbers were under 30 at the barbecue yesterday.”

Photo: AP
Red arrows appear for G7 leaders gathered on the beach

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told Sky News that there had “always been different principles for social entertainment and weddings than for government business” and that bringing world leaders together in Cornwall had been “a business. serious ”.

He said: “To bring the economy back stronger, greener, to deal with the pandemic, moving the point at which the whole world is vaccinated from 2024 to the middle of next year – this is serious business in which they are engaged and not just the leisure activities on the beach. “


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This notice was published: 2021-06-13 10:22:00

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