UK News

COVID-19: Nicola Sturgeon says Scotland ‘likely’ to maintain coronavirus restrictions for three more weeks | UK News

Scotland is “likely” to maintain COVID restrictions for an additional three weeks from June 28, Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said.

Speaking to Holyrood, Ms Sturgeon did not rule out further easing of restrictions, but said the Scottish government had to ‘buy themselves enough time’ to allow the vaccination program to continue its work.

A three-week delay would allow more people to receive a second coronavirus vaccine amid concerns about the increase in cases of the Delta variant, the premier added.

Scotland were previously scheduled to move to level 0 on Monday June 28, but Ms Sturgeon said the transition is now more likely to happen on July 19, according to England.

On Monday evening, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a four-week delay on the UK government’s roadmap to emerge from the lockdown and said the proposed easing of restrictions on June 21 would not go forward.

Speaking to MPs on Tuesday, the Scottish Prime Minister said her government would also take a “cautious approach”.

“The UK government yesterday announced a four week delay in its plans to lift COVID restrictions in England. The Scottish government will also continue to take a cautious approach,” Ms Sturgeon said.

“I have already confirmed today that no changes will be made this week to the levels that apply in any part of the country.

“Our next comprehensive and scheduled review of protection levels will take place next week and it will examine whether changes are possible from June 28 – the date we were hoping to see the whole country move to level 0.

“Now I will confirm our decision in Parliament next week after this review.

“However, given the current situation and the need to vaccinate more people before we relax further, it is reasonable – I think – to indicate now that part of the country is unlikely to decline. ‘a level from June 28.

“Instead, it’s more likely …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-15 13:41:00

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