
Channel 4 goes to war against a privatization plan Business

The boss of Channel 4 has entered into battle with the government over the privatization of the Pastry broadcaster as ministers launched a consultation on its future.

Managing Director Alex Mahon painted a grim picture of life outside government property just hours before Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden fired the starting gun at a potential sale.

He revealed that the government would consider whether the sale of Channel 4 next year would provide increased investment and financial security, fearing that its ad-supported business model would not survive the rise of streaming giants Netflix and Disney. +.

Mr. Dowden asserted that the It’s a sin the broadcaster could access new capital, create strategic partnerships, penetrate global markets and diversify its activities out of government control.

Such a move could strengthen its position as a public service broadcaster and ensure that “Channel 4 retains its place at the heart of British broadcasting”, he added.

However, Ms Mahon warned that her primary focus of serving young viewers, investing in regions and supporting the country’s burgeoning television production sector risked “irreversible” damage from passing through. private.

She told Culture Committee MPs that the sale of Channel 4 would only reach its maximum value if its mission to create uniquely British shows were curtailed, raising concerns that ministers would seek to curb its position. public service broadcaster to raise the price. .

She has also pushed back the prospect of merging it with rivals such as ITV, or handing it over to the US media giant, fearing its primary focus will be eroded by new owners seeking returns for shareholders.

“You have to think about what drives consolidation. Consolidation is sought after by companies to create larger and larger companies, so that they can generate better returns for shareholders,” he said. she adds.

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This notice was published: 2021-06-22 23:03:29

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