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Colin Pitchfork: Justice Department To Challenge Parole Board Decision To Release Child Killer | UK News

The Justice Department will challenge the Parole Board’s decision to allow the release of Colin Pitchfork, who raped and murdered two schoolgirls in the 1980s.

Pitchfork was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum sentence of 30 years after strangling Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth, both 15, in Leicestershire in 1983 and 1986 respectively.

The Parole Board cleared Pitchfork as “fit for release” following a hearing in March.

Schoolgirl Dawn Ashworth was found raped and murdered in the village of Narborough.  Pic: Topham / PA Archive / PA Images
Schoolgirl Dawn Ashworth was found raped and murdered in the village of Narborough, Leicestershire

The decision came after he had been denied freedom in previous hearings in 2016 and 2018.

The Justice Department said today it will formally appeal the ruling on Monday.

A spokesperson said: “Our sincere condolences remain with the families of Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth.

“After careful consideration, the Lord Chancellor will ask the Parole Board to reconsider its decision.”

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Pitchfork became the first man convicted of murder based on DNA evidence.

A court artist's impression of Colin Pitchfork, 48, appealing the length of his sentence to the London Court of Appeal.
Artist’s impression of Colin Pitchfork appealing the length of his sentence to the London Court of Appeal.

He was jailed in 1988 at Leicester Crown Court for the attacks, which occurred when he was in his twenties.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of murder, two of rape, two of indecent assault and one of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

Pitchfork’s minimum term was reduced by two years in 2009.

A document describing the parole board’s decision said: “After reviewing the circumstances of his offense, the progress made during his detention and the evidence presented at the hearing, the panel was satisfied that Mr. Pitchfork was fit. to be released. “

The Commission examined over 11,000 pages of information, as well as victim impact statements.

They also heard testimony from Pitchfork, now in his sixties, as …

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This notice was published: 2021-06-25 16:21:00

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