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Dog left blind and brain damaged by cruel former owner has the time of a life after being let loose on the beach by a caring Sheffield couple UK News

But Sheffield couple Anne and Jon Ashmore’s pet Angus frolic without caring about the world on a sprawling empty beach this week.

Angus was filled with the joys of life as he ran, rolled and jumped across sand and sea on a remote Scottish island after being taken on a special vacation by owners Jon and Anne Ashmore, both 57 years old , originally from Beauchief.

Although they don’t know exactly how old he is, the couple believe he is four or five years old.

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Angus sheer on the beach

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They adopted him when South Yorkshire-based Radar Dog Rescue was looking for a home for him after rescuing him from an abusive former owner who had caused him brain damage as a result of mistreatment. He also suffers from seizures and takes tablets hidden in a sausage three times a day to control them.

But the couple discovered he was happiest on the beach, and this week took him to the Outer Hebrides to let him run free with them in the great outdoors, safe from any accidents.

Anne, who taught at Westfield School in Mosborough for 25 years but now teaches physical education in primary schools in Sheffield, said the couple adopted Angus just over two years ago.

Anne Ashmore with Angus

They were alerted by a friend who thought he could give him what he needed as Becky’s daughter. Hillsborough, also had a blind lurcher, so they had experience dealing with blind dogs.

Anne said: “Angus can be quite anxious about new people and new dogs, which is not surprising given his horrible start in life, but once he gets to know you he’s the best guy. nicer.

“He bumps into things around the house quite often, but it’s amazing how he’s adjusted. His smell and hearing are amazing. He’ll bark at a noise before we even hear it.

“If we come across a step, it will lift its leg when we shout ‘step’.

Jon Ashmore with Angus

“We didn’t drop it when we first got it. He had to learn to bond with us, and we did a lot of recall training with him.

“Sometimes he’s confused if it’s noise and windy, and you can see him thinking where are they? But he knows when he gets back we’ll give him a piece of sausage.

“But he can just be himself on an empty beach where there are no other dogs or people and we try to take him home whenever we can.

“He loves it when he feels the sand between his toes, and that’s when he’s in his happy place. The joy on his face is worth it.

Jon Ashmore with Angus

“We don’t know how long he will live and how long we will have him. But we try to give him the best possible experiences as long as we have left. We enjoy every day that we have with him.”

Angus the lurcher on the beach
Anne Ashmore with Angus

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This notice was published: 2021-07-04 11:09:17

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