
Here’s why footballers wear bras – and how they help prevent injury Bedford News

Many Euro fans were taken aback during the quarter-final match between Ukraine and Sweden, when the Ukrainian midfielder celebrated his winning goal by removing his jersey to reveal what looked like a bra sport.

Professional footballers are the highest paid sportsmen in the world, and as such, managers and clubs are increasingly interested in the science behind players, their best techniques and injury prevention.

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In recent years, footballers have been spotted wearing clothing that resembles sports bras in many Premier League and international matches.

So why do footballers wear bras? This is what you need to know.

Why do footballers wear bras?

Bras aren’t used for the same purposes a woman might wear – to support her breasts and reduce the pressure on her shoulders, back, and neck.

Instead, footballers wear the clothes to hold a GPS tracker that monitors several factors in players’ physical performance and health.

The device is similar to the types found in a Fitbit or Apple watch, but the vests can monitor 32 different categories including speed, distance traveled, heart rate, and acceleration.

As of 2019, the devices are approved for use during live games. Previously, managers were only allowed to monitor players during practice sessions.

As such, managers and coaches can now monitor performance and see who is performing well, who is exhausted and the general health of players.

How do GPS trackers support footballer performance?

GPS data can inform managers which players have made the most progress, how fast a player is sprinting, and monitor performance metrics to understand when a player is fatigued, fatigued, or performing at their best.

These factors help decide which players to replace on the field, make decisions at half-time and give advice to players and in some cases help prevent injuries.

According to The Times, a capsule attached to the back of the vests collects scans using software that monitors a player’s movements up to 1,000 times per second.

The GPS device is often tied to pods which are held on tripods at the side of the field and signals from the devices bounce off these and transmit the stats as collated data.

Which clubs use GPS vests / bras?

As of 2020, more than three-quarters of English Premier League teams have used the devices in training and some players have also tested them in matches.

Wolverhampton Wolves and Leeds United were among the first teams to use technology, followed by Liverpool and Manchester United.

National teams such as England, Ukraine and Brazil have also embraced the use of the devices, as some fans may have noticed during the Euro 2020 knockout game England v Germany at Wembley. .

Brazilian physiologist Guilherme Passos said the GPS tracking device is a useful addition in understanding the conditions and causes of why players may make certain decisions on the pitch.

The Brazilian national team use the STATSports device, and in a promotional video Passos said: “It gives the opportunity to watch the team live using the iPad, so it’s easier to give the trainer a live feedback on the progress of his session, it is therefore a very good tool to control [training] charge.”

What brands of trackers are used?

STATSports is a particularly popular brand of GPS devices, like the one worn by Dovbyk.

In 2020, Sean O’Connor, co-founder of STATSports, told The Times: “People are able to take this data during games and make decisions.

“What this allows you to do is create a profile on a player. You would expect a player to do X, Y, Z in practice and games. When they start to deviate from these standards, it can be for good or bad reasons.

“If they’re in a training session and they have 25 minutes left and they are way over what you would normally expect from them, then you can make a call to reduce the time or pick them up earlier.” .

“It’s the same concept in a game too. If the manager decides between two players to replace, he could ask his coach: “what feedback can you give, physically”.

Catapult has also designed a Playr GPS device, especially for footballers.

Player has been approved by FIFA as meeting international match standards and tracks 1,250 data points per second, using GPS technology and sensors.

Other brands are available.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-03 11:54:52

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