
Hull KR signs talented Featherstone Rovers forward Frankie Halton Yorkshire News

Frankie Halton of Featherstone Rovers (ALLAN MCKENZIEW / SWPIX)

The 25-year-old Irish international signed a two-year deal after impressing Featherstone this period following his move from his championship rivals Swinton Lions.

Halton, who can play support or second row, has drawn a lot of interest and Hull KR boss Tony Smith is delighted to have him on board for a shot at the Super League.

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“Frankie drew attention for his ability to break the line and tackles,” Smith explained.

“He is very strong carrying the ball with a good eye for the inner shoulders that make it go through the holes.

“There is a lot of size in him, as well as good speed for a rower, who can also play in other positions. It is very versatile.

“There are some other attributes that he has also been able to show. He’s solid on defense, but I think there is room for improvement in all areas for him.

“He’s willing and he’s very mature for a young man who has been in the workforce.

Hull KR head coach Tony Smith in the middle, with assistant coach Danny McGuire, right, and rival Jordan Abdull. (ED SYKES / SWPIX)

“He is looking for an opportunity to really get to the level where the Super League is not just a dream, it is a real wish for him.”

Smith added: “I like his attitude; he is a charming young man who just wants to succeed.

“It probably took him a few years to get to where he is in a position where he’s confident enough to go for it and back off himself.

“We are certainly happy to give him that opportunity.

“I think he will strengthen us and himself as he goes along.”

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This notice was published: 2021-07-04 23:06:16

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