
Electric scooter riders arrested on Brighton seafront by police Brighton News

POLICE arrested electric scooter riders to let them know they are breaking the law.

Brighton and Hove Police officers yesterday morning arrested people outside Brighton Palace Pier.

Electric scooters can only be used on public roads if they are rented through government sponsored trials.

This takes place in 30 regions, including Newcastle, Bristol and Bournemouth, but not in Brighton and Hove.

If you own an electric scooter, you can only use it on private land. You are not allowed to use it on public roads, cycle paths or sidewalks.


A Sussex Police spokesperson said: ‘During a rain break this morning we were outside Palace Pier chatting with electric scooter riders to inform them that it is currently illegal to drive a electric scooter on a public road or sidewalk.

“There was some confusion around whether it was legal to rent an electric scooter under a government testing program. However, this is not the case in Brighton and Hove, so if you are driving an electric scooter, expect the police. ”

The police post on Facebook about their activity sparked a debate about the future of electric scooters in the city.

One resident said: “I’m glad to see this, I can’t count the number of times I’ve been nearly run over by these electric scooters.

“With e-bikes, they have to be treated like motorcycles; the cyclist must undergo some sort of training like a CBT (Compulsory Basic Training), carry out a technical check to confirm that he meets a safety standard and be taxed. ”

Another said: “They don’t pollute, just leave them alone and start doing something about all the motorists speeding up on their phones.”

Electric scooters are increasingly popular nationwide.


Soaring sales of e-bikes and scooters have seen Halfords record a 72% increase in annual profits.

However, they remain illegal on the public highway unless they become part of a government lawsuit.

West Midlands Police have launched a month-long operation to tackle electric scooter riders breaking the law – violators face fines of £ 300.

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner urged ministers to suspend trials to ‘review the situation’

Matthew Scott said their use must be reconsidered before more people are injured and before trials are extended further.

He said: “Reckless drivers are becoming a threat on our roads and sidewalks, ignoring the law and endangering other road users.

“We urgently need decisive action now on their future, as we risk losing control of the matter and placing additional burdens on the police.

“Too many people are using them in places they shouldn’t and we need to prevent them from being bought for young people.”

He said there should be no more deployments until work is done with retailers, manufacturers and the public to keep it safe and people understand the law.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-11 08:58:05

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