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Family of tragic Sheffield teenager ask people to help celebrate 18th birthday UK News

Noah Lomax’s mother wants as many people as possible to help make social media pink in her memory by sharing photos featuring the flamboyant youngster’s favorite color on Saturday, July 17.

Noah was a popular Crookes character who was gay and campaigned with a passion for LGBT + law. He was only 15 when he died of mental health problems.

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Noah Lomax would have been 18 this Saturday, July 17

Noah’s mother, Claire McGettigan, spoke about how much it would mean to her and the rest of the family to see people sharing their photos in her memory.

“It would have been a big anniversary so we wanted to do something special to mark the occasion,” she said.

“He loved his social media and pink was his favorite color, so I thought, why not combine the two?

Noah Lomax was a huge fan of social media

“He had a lot of friends online all over the country and even in America and countries in Europe, so it’s a way for them to get involved as well.

“It will just be nice to know that other people still remember him and think of him on his 18th birthday.”

To participate, people need to photograph themselves wearing something pink and upload it to Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag # flamboyantpink4noah, tagging @sayitsheffield and naming and tagging three friends.

Noah Lomax’s mother said it would mean a lot to know that other people were thinking of him on what would have been his 18th birthday

If you don’t have pink clothes or would prefer not to be in the photo, you can share a photo of anything that color, from painted nails to a pink drink.

Claire intends to put the photos together as a permanent reminder of how much Noah meant to so many people.

On her birthday, she plans to visit her memorial bench in Weston Park, which is decorated with rainbow ribbons of sympathizers.

She will also bake brownies, like every year on her birthday, and enjoy McDonald’s tea in her honor.

If you need to talk, you can call the Samaritans on 116 123.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-12 11:40:55

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