UK News

Lambda variant – how dangerous is the strain of coronavirus? UK News

The lambda variant is another strain of coronavirus that is circulating around the world.

According to a World Health Organization report, it has been found in 29 countries so far and some cases have been confirmed in the UK.

However, should we be concerned about the spread of this variant and is it more dangerous than current strains?

Tara Hurst, Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at Birmingham City University wrote an article for The Conversation explaining everything you need to know about the strain.

What is the lambda variant and how many cases are there in the UK?

According to a recent report from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Lambda variant has been found in 29 countries and is believed to be native to Peru.

The report states, “Lambda has been associated with substantial rates of community transmission in several countries, with increasing prevalence over time alongside an increased incidence of COVID-19. ”

On June 14, 2021, the WHO declared the lambda “global variant of interest”. Public Health England followed suit on June 23, naming it as a “variant under investigation” due to its “international expansion and several notable mutations.”

Eight cases have been confirmed in the UK, most of which are linked to overseas travel.

Is the variant more dangerous than the others?

An interesting variant is one that has mutations that are predicted or known to affect things such as transmissibility (how easily the virus spreads), disease severity, ability to evade immunity to infections or previous vaccines, or confuse diagnostic tests.

Many scientists claim that the “unusual combination” of mutations in lambda could make it more transmissible.

However, there is very little evidence that these mutations make lambda more dangerous than the original coronavirus.

There are no published studies on the lambda variant and just a handful of preprints – papers that have not yet been reviewed by other scientists (peer review) and published in a journal. .

A prepublication from the Grossman School of Medicine at New York University examined the effect of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines against the lambda variant.

The researchers conclude that these mRNA vaccines are likely to remain protective against the lambda variant.

According to lambda’s latest PHE (July 8) “risk assessment”, there is no evidence of a country where lambda has supplanted the delta variant.

Studies are underway, but for now, lambda remains an interesting variant rather than a worrying variant.

Article published in The Conversation.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-14 06:00:00

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