
Afghan refugees arrive in UK – list of charities you can use to help Brighton News

The first wave of refugees arrived in the UK this week after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan.

After decades of war, the rapid withdrawal of American and British troops saw the Taliban arrive at the gates of Kabul on Sunday and regain control with little resistance.

Dominic Raab said several countries were “caught off guard” by the swift and hostile nature of the militant group’s takeover, which prompted Afghans to flee the country.

He added that the British intelligence services were following “very carefully” what was happening on the ground in Afghanistan after the United States decided to reduce its troops in the country.

About 900 armed forces are in Afghanistan to help bring British nationals home and keep some Afghans safe.
Images of hundreds of Afghans invading Kabul airport and climbing onto planes earlier this week remain fresh in the memory of a watching world.

20,000 Afghan refugees will be welcomed to the UK in the coming years as the government unveils details of a plan to provide sanctuary to those most at risk of Taliban persecution.

Thousands of women, children and others most at risk from the Taliban will begin to resettle in the UK in the coming months.
Here’s how you can help those seeking refuge in the UK – from donating clothes to other items.

Where can I donate clothes for refugees?

British citizens can help Afghan refugees enter the country and resettle in a number of ways, one of which is by donating clothing or other items.
Baby gear, food, shoes, sneakers, underwear, bedding, cellphones and chargers are among the items most in need of assistance in refugee support efforts in the UK. United.
Those interested in learning more about how they can help refugees by donating items or money to the cause in their area can do so through the government website.
Alternatively, there are many campaigns and charities looking for help or assistance at the moment to support Afghan refugees in the UK. Please see the list below.


The Care4Calais charity is a volunteer-run organization that works with refugees in the UK, France and Belgium, providing essential aid and support to refugees.
A spokesperson said: “We are not politicians; we are ordinary people like you who believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity.
“We are on the ground with refugees every day and we respect their common humanity and respond to their needs.
“We are using our presence on the ground and our relationships with the refugee community to provide much-needed assistance that other organizations are unable to provide.
Operating all year round, the association also offers social support, language courses, activities and workshops as part of the support of refugees by volunteers.
Those who wish to donate to Care4Calais can do so through the association’s website.


UNICEF, a global charity, is working in Afghanistan to provide emergency relief in Kabul, Kandahar and other densely populated areas that have been overrun by Taliban soldiers.
The charity claims that 14 million people are at risk of food poverty in the country, currently the charity can only reach 1.5 of those in need.
Of these, 7.4 million are children and only 1.1 receive assistance.
Unicef ​​says on its website that it needs more than £ 1million to help all those affected by the ongoing conflict, drought and economic uncertainty in Afghanistan.
The charity is currently trying to provide medical relief such as vaccinations, food packages and clean water to communities.
You can support the association by making a donation to its emergency fund.
£ 7 a month could help provide vital rehydration salts to treat 20 children.
£ 15 a month could help protect 100 children from polio.
£ 27 a month could help provide clean water for over 600 children.

Save the Children – emergency appeal

Save the Children has worked in Afghanistan since 19786, providing charity to families affected by poverty, drought and conflict.
Right now, the association is asking people to donate to its emergency relief appeal to support children displaced by the ongoing conflict.
Save the Children provided health, education, child protection, nutrition and livelihood services, reaching over 1.6 million Afghans in 2020.
To support you can donate online. The charity highlighted:
£ 7 would help buy 100 oral rehydration salts which help treat diarrhea.
£ 24 could provide targeted support to a vulnerable or unaccompanied child.
£ 111 could train a community volunteer in hygiene promotion techniques to impart public health.


Afghanaid has already supported nearly 1.25 million Afghan civilians this year.
The association provides emergency food packages to people facing drought, houses for Afghan children displaced by conflict and helps communities rebuild in the aftermath of the economic recession.
Afghanaid described the current situation in Afghanistan as “extremely uncertain” as the Taliban reclaim Kabul.
You can support Afghanaid by donating any amount of money.
The charity points out that £ 39 would pay for double-layered blankets to keep a family warm, £ 58 would buy a kitchen and hygiene kit for a family, so they can stay clean, healthy and safe .

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This notice was published: 2021-08-22 13:11:52

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