Bath City

Somerset Covid at latest with three deaths recorded and over 400 new cases reported Bath City News

Three Covid-related deaths have been recorded in Somerset and more than 400 new cases of coronavirus have been reported in the region, according to the latest data.

Two of the deaths were in southern Somerset and the third in Bath and northeast Somerset, according to statistics released by Public Health England today (Tuesday 24 August).

Meanwhile, Sedgemoor’s infection rate is no longer the highest in England – it is now second behind Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Read more: Royal United Hospital in Bath ‘very busy’ as number of Covid patients rises again

Sedgemoor reported 97 new cases within 24 hours until 9 a.m. today, while Bath and North East Somerset had 84. North Somerset recorded 73 more cases while South Somerset recorded 63 and Somerset West and Taunton recorded 58.

Mendip remains the Somerset region with the fewest cases, recording 38 other infections in the past 24 hours.

It brings the total number of cases in the Somerset region since the start of the pandemic to 65,149.

Sedgemoor’s infection rate – for the seven days through August 20 – is 724.2 cases per 100,000 people. There were 894 confirmed cases during the seven-day period.

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The number of positive test results in each area since the start of the pandemic is recorded below, with the new positive test results in parentheses.

Bath and North East Somerset: 15,131 (+84)

Mendip: 6,045 (+38)

North Somerset: 16,588 (+73)

Sedgemoor: 9069 (+97)

Somerset West and Taunton: 9 138 (+58)

Somerset South: 9,178 (+63)

Total: 413 Total: 65,149

The number of deaths recorded in each neighborhood in Somerset since the start of the pandemic is as follows:

Bath and North East Somerset: 231 (+1)

Mendip: 166 (-)

Somerset North: 322 (-)

Sedgemoor: 169 (-)

Somerset West and Taunton: 197 (-)

Somerset South: 170 (+2)

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This notice was published: 2021-08-24 18:42:36

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