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Family of one Newcastle girl on the move raising money for life-changing gear UK News

The family of a little girl who bunny hopping is raising money for life changing gear.

Amélie Holden was born with various disabilities and has been unable to speak, walk or feed herself since birth.

Although his condition is similar to cerebral palsy, doctors currently do not have a specific diagnosis for the six-year-old known as SWAN – unnamed syndromes.

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Unable to stand or walk unaided, Amelie, of Woolsington, Newcastle, moves around by popping a bunny on the ground and lets others know she needs something by vocalizing various noises.

She was recently able to borrow an Innowalk – a motorized machine that simulates walking for people with severe disabilities – for six weeks.

Meanwhile, Amélie covered 118 km in 30 hours – an incredible feat that her family says gave them a glimpse of the independence she could have with her own machine.

Parents Vinny and Ros say they are ‘desperate’ to get a machine permanently, but they are not available from local authorities or the NHS and cost £ 28,000.

Amélie Holden in an Innowalk
Amélie Holden in an Innowalk

Together with their family and friends, they have now launched a campaign to raise much-needed funds.

To kick off their fundraiser, Amélie and her four-year-old brother, Freddy, participate in the September Mini Great North Run – Freddy running and Amélie in a wheelchair.

Ros said: “Amelie has never been able to stand for more than 40 minutes in a standing frame, in which she is strapped, because her legs are too tired to be in a fixed position for so long.

“The INNOWALK allows her to move her legs, body and arms in a walking motion, which means she was able to build muscle strength in all the different muscles in her legs, stomach and upper body. body.

“It’s amazing to see the positive change this device has brought to Amélie and the smile it brings to her, which made us even more determined to achieve our goal.”

So far £ 7,348 has been raised so far in the form of donations and sponsorships.

Amélie has planned a range of fundraising activities, but as their free time is limited due to their family responsibilities to Amélie, they invite others to take on sponsored challenges and activities to help reach the target. ‘Amelie.

Anyone interested can set up a fundraising page by choosing ‘Fundraise for this child’ at

To donate go to

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