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Three guilty of ‘senseless’ murder on Grahame Park estate UK News

Three young men have been convicted of the “random” murder of a salesman who was targeted by a zip code gang “out” in enemy territory.

Anthony Adekola, 22, nicknamed Lizzy, was stabbed multiple times on his way home from the Marks & Spencer store where he worked in Colindale on the evening of September 5 last year.

Following an eight-week Old Bailey trial, Ta-jaun Subaran, 19, of New Brent Street, Hendon, and two unidentifiable 17-year-olds from Hendon were been convicted of murder.

Jurors learned that Mr Adekola was in the “wrong place at the wrong time” when he stumbled upon a group of young men who had traveled to the rival area of ​​the NW9 postcode.

Mr Adekola was near his home on the Grahame Park Estate when two taxis pulled up and eight young men got out.

CCTV footage showed the victim being stopped by the group at Booth Road and after a brief exchange he turned and ran.

Times Series: CCTV captures the two taxis arriving on the street.  Credit: Met PoliceCCTV captures the two taxis arriving on the street. Credit: Met Police

He collided with a stone post and fell to the ground at Martlesham Walk as the pursuit platoon approached.

The group then subjected Mr. Adekola to a brutal attack, stabbing him at least nine times in the face, head, neck, back, chest, arms and leg.

The fatal stab to his neck severed the carotid artery and jugular vein.

The attackers then returned to the waiting taxis and fled.

Mr Adekola was found seriously injured and bleeding by his brother and worried friends who retraced his route.

Police arrived at 11:15 p.m. and found him surrounded by people putting pressure on the neck injury.

Doctors performed emergency surgery at the scene but despite their efforts, he was pronounced dead at 11:45 p.m.

Times Series: Anthony Adekola's CCTV marching towards the group before they were attacked.  Credit: Met PoliceCCTV of Anthony Adekola marching towards the group before they are attacked. Credit: Met Police

Bill Emlyn Jones QC, prosecutor, told jurors there was no evidence of a personal connection between the victim and her attackers.

He said: “We are left with the terrible prospect that he was randomly selected and killed.”

The attackers were coming and returning to Hendon – in the NW4 postcode – while the victim was in the NW9 area.

Mr Emlyn Jones continued: “This is the case with the prosecution that the defendants were raiding enemy territory, which is called an ‘sortie’.

“When they got to NW9, it didn’t matter who they stabbed – it was enough to show their rivals in NW9 that they could show up in enemy territory and attack whoever they liked.”

Times Series: CCTV captures Anthony Adekola as he flees the group.  Credit: Met PoliceCCTV captures Anthony Adekola as he flees the group. Credit: Met Police

Following the arrest of the defendants, their electronic devices were examined, the court said.

A Snapchat message four days after the murder was retrieved from one of the youth’s iPad.

Heading “It’s for your own safety,” he said: “Grahame Park and Hendon are at war over the stabbing that occurred (RIP Lizzy) so when you are done skl over hall, c ‘straight home because if the Hendon man catches you it’s pic because they don’t care. ”

Detectives used forensic evidence to link the suspects to the scene. A fingerprint was found inside the taxi – using specialized techniques, officers found a match with one of the now convicted 17-year-olds.

This accused was also linked to a face mask found inside the police cordon. DNA was found inside the mask that matched that of the suspect and placed it at the scene.

Other acquired evidence showed that Subaran and the other 17-year-old all called taxi companies or tried to do so and these calls came shortly before the group left in taxis to get to at the scene of the murder.

Suburban and the two 17-year-olds have all been convicted of murder and are due to appear for sentencing on November 5.

Times Series: Ta-jaun Subaran was convicted of murder.  Credit: Met PoliceTa-jaun Subaran was convicted of murder. Credit: Met Police

Chief Detective Superintendent Neil John said: “Attacks like this are senseless and horrific and there is no doubt in my mind that the streets are a safer place now that these three have been convicted.

“Anthony was an innocent man, who was targeted in an extremely violent and horrific manner.

“My deepest condolences and thoughts remain with his family – I cannot imagine the sadness and grief that has been caused. I can only hope that the result begins to bring some closure and justice, so that you may begin to look to the future, cherish the memory of Antoine. ”

Times Series: Victim Anthony AdekolaVictim Anthony Adekola

In a statement, Anthony’s mother, on behalf of her family, said: “It has been nearly 12 months of agony since the senseless and unprovoked murder of my son Anthony Adekola. I am relieved that justice has finally been delivered. rendered and that some of the culprits have now been convicted of his heinous murder.

“Waking up and coming to court day in and day out, listening to extremely unpleasant information really pushed me to my breaking point and impacted my mind …

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This notice was published: 2021-08-25 09:00:00

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