UK News

News from Scotland: Plans made to move British nuclear submarines if Scotland separates | United Kingdom | New UK News

The UK’s nuclear arsenal is currently located at HMNB Clyde, Faslane, on Loch Station. Nicola Sturgeon calls for a second referendum on Scottish independence, after agreeing to an SNP-Greens coalition.

If Scotland were to become an independent state, the SNP pledged to ban all nuclear weapons in the country.

Speaking to senior Financial Times officials, Trident may need to be based outside the UK if Scotland leaves the union.

Suggested new bases are Kings Bay, Georgia, where the United States retains its nuclear fleet, or Île Longue in Brittany, France.

Any move outside the UK would likely be highly controversial and raise questions about the independence of UK nuclear deterrence.

An alternative proposal, costing £ 3-4 billion, would see the nuclear fleet moved to Devonport in Plymouth.

However, according to the FT, there are concerns that the continental shelf will prevent submarines from diving quickly, making them easier for foreign powers to follow.

A third plan would ensure that the naval bases of Faslane and Coulport would become a British Overseas Territory, modeled on Gibraltar.

However, this would require the consent of the Scottish Government, which can be difficult to obtain.

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He warned that all the options available if Scotland left the UK had “major drawbacks”.

Referring to the US proposal, he said: “If we share the infrastructure, there are likely intersections with the schedules of the US submarine patrols.

“Once the boats were at sea, they would still be as independent as they are now.

“But once tied up next, they would no longer be independent.”

The SNP has pledged to join NATO, a nuclear armed alliance, if it withdraws Scotland from the UK.

In May, the SNP was re-elected in the Scottish parliamentary elections, but failed to win a majority.

Ms Sturgeon is planning a second referendum on Scotland’s exit from the Union.

In 2014, Scotland voted to stay in the UK, with 55% of the vote to 45%.

Boris Johnson is urging the SNP to focus on recovering from the coronavirus in Scotland, rather than constitutional issues.

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross has urged trade unionists to boycott any “savage” referendum, called without Westminster’s consent.

The government has since decided to end the reporting after a Defense Ministry spokesperson denied there were any plans to move the submarines.

The spokesperson said: “The UK is firmly committed to maintaining its credible and independent nuclear deterrent at HM Clyde Naval Base, which exists to deter the most extreme threats against the UK and our allies in the United Kingdom. ‘NATO.

“There are no plans to relocate the nuclear deterrent from HM Clyde Naval Base (Faslane), which contributes to the security and economy of Scotland and the UK at large, and its support facilities are safe for local communities. “

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This notice was published: 2021-09-01 20:10:00

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