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Plans for plastic streetlight banners in Whetstone removed UK News

A plan to hang advertising banners in a downtown area as part of a Barnet Council’s money-saving program was dropped from a committee’s agenda.

Advertising firm Bay Media planned to install 20 plastic streetlight banners along the High Road through downtown Whetstone, and council planning officers had recommended that the proposals be given the green light despite more 100 objections.

As part of a program designed to meet the environment committee’s five-year savings targets, the request was to be considered at a Barnet planning committee meeting on Thursday, September 2. But at the start of the meeting, Cllr committee chairman Stephen Sowerby announced he had been removed.

The plan sparked 109 objections from members of the public, including claims that the banners “would ruin the visual appeal of the streets”, distract drivers and “impact historic buildings.” A report from planning officers acknowledges that there are a number of listed buildings along the stretch of High Road where the banners would be hung.

Following the meeting, a council spokesperson confirmed that the item had been withdrawn at the request of the Grievor.

A similar plan to hang advertising banners along the roads of East Barnet Village was turned down by a planning committee in April. The committee unanimously ruled that this would have a negative effect on the street scene and visual appeal of the surrounding area.

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This notice was published: 2021-09-05 05:00:00

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