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How to get the most out of freezer storage Wine News

It might not be the most glamorous appliance out there, but when it comes to making dinner fast, cutting down on waste, and adding instant variety to your meals, the freezer is a hangman’s hangman. work – that you can survive with just a small lit cooler. top of the refrigerator or require a cavernous chest freezer of cold delicacies.

That’s the theory, anyway. Too often our freezers are the places where leftovers go to die; the last rest of good intentions. You dive down in search of a bag of peas and come out with a slice of christening cake for a kid who has long since stolen the nest and has their own freezer.

But at best, they take advantage of cheap offers or seasonal glut of fruits and vegetables, and can provide some kind of comfort if managed properly. Certainly over the past year knowing that we weren’t so dependent on being able to go to stores or get a delivery slot has given us a new appreciation for our freezers.

Which one is right for you?

Chest freezers work best for large families or those who are inclined to buy whole carcasses or cook ten dinners in advance in an attempt to suck in all the zest for life.

For the rest of us, they can be a bit overwhelming and inconvenient. Upright freezers are easier to organize and keep tabs on what you have. Personally, I have a large fridge freezer at home, which allows me to store large trays in the top of the fridge which is great for parties, and has two deep and wide freezer drawers at the bottom. , which suits us perfectly.

It works like a binder of delicacies. Then, of course, there are the fancy extras (which are becoming more and more standard) like ice makers and ice water dispensers. My feeling about these things is that if you can, you should.

How to run your freezer efficiently

Your freezer should operate at -18 ° C or less. If yours doesn’t have a digital display, consider purchasing an inexpensive freezer thermometer and check it sporadically. Keep your freezer full enough as it will run more efficiently, but don’t add too much at once and make sure it’s already cold when you do. It takes at least 30 minutes to come back to temperature each time you open the door or drawer.

How to make your freezer your culinary ally

I don’t like to make huge amounts of anything because I get bored very easily, but with things like soups, casseroles, chilies and curries, which freeze really well, I double or Often triples the amounts so I can use the freezer as my favorite takeout on nights when I’m too tired to cook. This saves a lot of time and money and makes eating healthier easier.

Superior council

Label everything and date it. I know it sounds obvious, but we often skip this step if we’re in a rush, thinking we’ll remember what’s in that old Tupperware or freezer bag. We won’t.

The essentials of the freezer

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This notice was published: 2021-09-09 16:28:35

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