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Elementary school children as young as five could be offered a Covid vaccine as “children escalate cases” UK News

Covid vaccines could be offered to primary school children as young as five amid fears children will increase the number of cases in the UK.

According to new leaked documents, the NHS reportedly intends to roll out jabs for children as young as five, if the plan is approved by health regulators.

The documents also showed that parental consent will be required for children between the ages of five and 11, and that the environment in which they receive their injections will need to be “appropriate”.

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The Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is expected to announce that vaccines are safe for children, while the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) is currently considering whether to recommend vaccines. vaccines for children.

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi had previously not ruled out immunizing children of primary school age, but said there were “no plans at the moment” to extend the deployment of vaccines to the youngest.

He told Sky News’ Trevor Phillips on Sunday: “There is no plan at this time to vaccinate elementary school children for the reason that the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) is still reviewing the evidence of level of protection it would provide to these children.

He added: “The most important thing is to stimulate the most vulnerable – this is absolutely the priority.”

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Mr Zahawi also said he would do “everything in my power” to keep schools open – but could not rule out future closures, saying: “We are absolutely working to make sure all schools are open, that ‘they are protected “.

He confirmed that the JCVI is currently reviewing the evidence for the level of protection Covid-19 vaccines would provide to elementary school children.

Over the summer, SAGE experts warned children were the source of infections in adults across the country.

Cases of the new Omicron variant have already been reported in schools, notably in Kent.

In September, NHS England began rolling out vaccines for children aged 12 to 15.

Now, health officials could go even further and offer injections to younger people, with a decision likely to be made in the coming weeks, according to the Sunday Times.

Under existing rules, vaccines are administered by the school immunization service, with officials responsible for ensuring that parents and children receive information brochures, consent forms and invitation letters.

Parents are encouraged to give their consent, although some older children may override their parents if they are deemed competent to make their own decisions. This is unlikely to happen in very young children.

Earlier this week, Sage member Professor John Edmunds called for jabs to be extended to children aged five to 11 as soon as a license is granted.

He said: “This epidemic wave that we have had since June – the Delta wave – was really caused by school-aged children.

“Each infected child will expose an adult. They all live at home with adults. So, from there, transmission can occur.”

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 in May and for children aged 5 to 11 in November.

Due to the rapid spread of the new Omicron variant, boosters will be available to millions more in England this week.

The national reservation system will open to all people aged 30 to 39 from Monday so they can make an appointment to get a reminder three months after their second coronavirus injection.

The move comes as the UK faces a major wave of infections in January, with scientists warning up to 75,000 people could die from Covid-19 in the next five months if new restrictions are not introduced.

Scientists, who are advising the government, have said the new Covid-19 strain could cause between 25,000 and 75,000 deaths in England over the next five months.

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