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Covid LIVE: Omicron Horror As First Death In UK With New Variant Confirmed | United Kingdom | News UK News

The UK will likely run an annual vaccination campaign for the most vulnerable, regardless of what happens with the variants, an expert has said.

Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said coronaviruses mutate at a very high rate.

He said: “What will happen is for those who are most at risk, we will probably go into this annual cycle.

“But, in fact, for young people the message is not so clear because what is happening with young people is that a high proportion of them have already had the infection, and I think that we should recognize it.

“In some areas, up to 90% have antibodies to protect themselves … So what we need to do is be a little smarter about what we’re seeing right now and fix some of these issues – which natural immunity, which people need to boost, and especially those over 75 years old. “

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This notice was published: 2021-12-13 13:40:00

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