Bath City

Finding a stolen giant nutcracker from a shop in Bath city center Bath City News

A giant nutcracker has been stolen from a store in downtown Bath.

The cheerful decoration was stolen from the window of the Shaw Trust charity shop on Edgar Buildings, leaving staff devastated.

Jacquai Holcombe, who works there, explained that the beloved character was part of a pair who spent five Christmases in Bath.

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She said: “We’ve had it for a long time. I got it from one of the galleries for our window at Christmas.

“He’s around 2 feet tall and they’re pretty hard to find – that’s why we have so many people talking about them.

“We’re not a very well-known charity, so we need to attract people. The kids love them and everyone knows these nutcrackers.”

Jean, one of the shop’s volunteers, with the nutcracker (Image: Jacquai Holcombe)

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However, Jacquai believes that last Monday (December 6) someone “saw an opportunity” to steal the little man.

She explained that the volunteers at the store were changing the decoration of the windows that day, but that she was not there herself.

“Most people are pretty confident and they don’t expect something like this to happen – until it does. I think someone who comes by regularly has given their chance as long as they are. he could.

“We’ve had window robberies before and now I kind of have to barricade things. But we’re trying to be positive to boost people’s morale during covid, so it’s pretty sad that this has really happened. . I just didn’t expect this. “

Jacquai is now offering a reward of £ 100 out of his own pocket for the safe return of the Nutcracker.

If you know where it might be, please call the Shaw Trust store 01225 460225.

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This notice was published: 2021-12-13 12:47:08

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