
Googlebox star Alex Michael to host comedy fundraiser night Brighton News

A GOOGLEBOX star hosts a comedy night to remember his father and raise money for charity.

Brighton resident Alex Michael raises funds for the British Heart Foundation and the NHS Brighton and Sussex Hospitals Trust, two charities close to the heart of his father, Andrew.

Andrew died of a short illness in August at the age of 61.

Alex said: “My dad loved comedy and some of my fondest memories are his belly laughs at Live at the Apollo or the comedy nights we have been to together.

“Especially after what has happened over the past two months the NHS needs all the help they can get and I am very grateful to all the doctors and nurses who helped my dad when he was at the hospital, so I raise money for them as a thank you. ”

The show, hosted by Dan Jones, will star Jen Brister and Helen Bauer of BBC’s Live at the Apollo, comedy award winners Huge Davies and John Hastings, as well as Martin Wratten, Freya Mallard and Ingrid Dahle.

All artists offer their services free of charge to support the event.

Alex said she was very excited for the comedy night, which will take place the day after her birthday, and said she was incredibly grateful to all of the comedians who agreed to participate.

“Without their kindness and willingness to play for free, I wouldn’t be able to do it.”

Rebecca Honey, Head of Fundraising at the British Heart Foundation, said: “We are very grateful that Alex has chosen to host this very personal event to help the British Heart Foundation.

“Our vital research is fueled by generous donations from the public, but the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic means our investment research has been hit hard.

“That’s why we need public support more than ever. ”

Tickets for the December 21 event cost £ 11 and are available on the Komedia website.

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This notice was published: 2021-12-13 05:00:00

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