
Watch hippos at Whipsnade Zoo and enjoy an early Christmas dinner Bedford News

Two hungry hippos had their Christmas dinner earlier this year, as Whipsnade zoo keepers served them 5kg of Brussels sprouts.

Four-year-old common hippo Hodor and his mother, 1.5 ton Lola hippo, were invited to try a new vegetable this holiday season by their keepers, who thought they would like the taste of the much-maligned Christmas side dish.

Although hippos have never tried sprouts before, their keepers were hopeful that Brussels sprouts might be a new favorite, due to their love of sprouts and the similarity between leafy vegetables.

Four-year-old common hippo Hodor and his mother, 1.5 ton Lola hippo, have been invited to try a new vegetable this holiday season

They immediately devoured the pile of 260 Brussels sprouts, sucking them out of their massive mouths within minutes. Some of the sprouts tumbled into their pool, but it wasn’t long before the couple took the plunge and saved the stray vegetables floating in what looks like a river of gravy.

Team leader Mark Holden said: “If you think the Brussels sprouts on your Christmas Day plate aren’t appetizing, just watch these sprouts, which are floating around the hippo pool.

“Hodor and Lola not only seem to think Brussels sprouts are an unmatched delicacy, but they’re very happy to be scooping up all the veggies that are escaping their brown pool with their giant jaws!

“Some people worry that eating Brussels sprouts on Christmas Day will give them gas, but that’s everyday life for a hippo! They defecate to mark their territory, so they certainly don’t mind a little “wind” between family members!

Hodor and his mom Lola enjoyed a festive treat

Families looking to get away from their Christmas dinner can visit Lola and Hodor, along with elephants, tigers and 9,500 other animals, throughout December for a wonderful winter day at Whipsnade Zoo. Tickets can be reserved in advance at

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This notice was published: 2021-12-14 17:33:56

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