UK News

Huge increase in reports of ‘barbaric’ mutilated dogs to make them tougher | United Kingdom | News UK News

The animal welfare charity received 188 reports of cut ears in dogs in England and Wales last year, an increase of 86% on 2020. Overall , the RSPCA recorded a jump of 1,243% between 2015 and 2021.

Ear cropping is already illegal in the UK, but the charity is calling for a ban on the importation of dogs who have undergone the painful procedure which sees their outer ears surgically altered or completely removed.

RSPCA canine welfare expert Dr Samantha Gaines said: “Ear cropping has been illegal in the UK for a long time, and for good reason.

“It’s a barbaric and painful procedure that is done just to achieve the desired appearance and to make a dog look tougher.

“However, removing a dog’s ears can have serious and permanent consequences for that dog.

“Dogs brought into our care after having their ears brutally cropped – usually without anesthesia or pain relief – are often nervous around people and sudden movements, may have difficulty socializing with other dogs and humans, and may be scared of the head.”

“The number of reports coming to us shows an alarming increase from just a few years ago and we need to stamp out this animal cruelty as soon as possible.

“Dogs need their ears, and we need legislation that better protects dog welfare.”

The RSPCA fears the rise in reports of dogs with cropped ears could be fueled by celebrities and social media.

The charity believes more animals are being sent overseas to be mutilated in countries where it is still legal, or bought overseas after they have already had their ears cut off.

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“She’s such a friendly, sweet dog; however, many people don’t see him because they can’t see past his ears.

“As soon as people have the opportunity to meet Dora properly, she quickly steals their hearts with her sweet and gentle nature.

“Unfortunately, because of the cropping, she’s stereotypical.”

The government has pledged to ban the importation of dogs with cropped ears.

A Defra spokesperson said: “The practice of mutilating dogs’ ears is abhorrent and has been rightly banned in the UK for 15 years.

“Last year we introduced new legislation which means that anyone found guilty of such an offense risks being sent to prison for up to 5 years or receiving an unlimited fine.

“But we are committed to going further, granting powers with the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill to prohibit the importation of dogs that have been subjected to low welfare practices such as the cropping of the ears or the cropping of the tail.”

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This notice was published: 2022-03-08 14:13:00

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